

用於大餘量鋁件CNC加工 (大的, 薄壁, 鋁型腔零件), 以便加工過程中有較好的散熱條件,避免熱集中, 加工時應採用對稱加工. 如果有一塊90mm厚的鋁板需要處理到60mm, 如果一側被銑削, 另一面應立即銑削, 一次加工到最終尺寸後平整度只能達到5mm;




車削和銑削薄壁零件 (鋁, 鋁合金, 純鈦, 銅, 鎂合金) 在加工過程中總是容易變形. 橢圓形或 “腰部形狀” 中間小,兩端大, 這使得零件的品質難以保證. 它的夾緊設計往往是討論最多的點. 讓我們來看看車銑件薄壁夾具的兩個設計實例, 以及他們如何解決變形問題.


Roller Die of N95 Mask Machine

CNC Machining of Roller Die of N95 Mask Machine

The selection of reasonable turning and milling parameters not only ensures the high precision of the finishing of the mask machine accessories (N95 embossing die roller). It is also a guarantee for high-speed machine tools to be effective and in the best working condition. 所以, the cutting amount depends on the rigidity of the machine tool, the diameter of the milling tool, the length of the tool, the workpiece material, and the roughing or finishing mode.


CNC machining of aluminum cavity used in aviation

CNC machining aluminum alloy cavity used in aerospace

The aluminum alloy cavity is used in aerospace products. Milling parameters (difficulty): product height 315mm, internal R20, flatness 0.05, parallelism 0.02, roughness 1.6.
The aluminum cavity is a shell of an aerospace component customized for an aerospace manufacturing company. The aluminum cavity is a high-precision and difficult CNC milling cavity. The processing depth is as high as 315mm, and the accuracy requirements for parallelism and flatness are very high. Since I signed a non-disclosure agreement with the client, the details will not be described again.
