代加工 304 不銹鋼車削精密零件
本公司生產SUS303, 304, SUS400系列, 316F各種規格尺寸的不銹鋼精密車削件、車床件.
帶螺紋的不銹鋼車削件, 階梯和銑削六邊形邊緣均採用SUS303不銹鋼製成, 螺紋規格M4,
最大外徑 (即它的頭部直徑): 10毫米, 總長38毫米
特徵: 軸向六角面銑, 迴轉量大, 高精準度, 半成品由自動車床完成 + 液壓銑床銑六角面 + 滾絲機滾絲. 此轉動件用於某知名電器中,用於緊固與調整.
不銹鋼車削件 | |
Two stainless steel precision turning parts with internal threads, various automatic lathe parts produced with SUS303 as the material Main process: 轉動, embossing, 銑削, rolling (or turning), 鑽孔, 竊聽, ETC. The smaller product specification in the left picture is M4*5*16 (線 * maximum outer diameter * total length, 單元: MM, the same below), which is a straight-grained internal thread product. Great product specifications for the M5 * 12 * 16, one end of the milling bilateral | |
Stainless steel precision turned parts with pressure teeth | |
This is a special threaded part (also a standard part abroad): SHOULDER SCREW, shoulder screw or plug screw or contour screw. The shaft surface accuracy requirements are often relatively high, the shaft surface diameter tolerance is generally 0.01MM, and the surface roughness is 0.8um. | |
Comparison of large and small stainless steel turning parts, click on the left picture to see the comparison of these two large and small turning parts | |
Milling with internal threads and external threads of stainless steel turning member |
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