車床數控加工金屬小型, 大型元件價格
這是一個長的 CNC 加工零件. 因為產品太大, 僅拍攝了局部特寫, 並附上放大的完整圖片.
兩端加工, 中拋光
左側產品材質: 鋁
可加工材料: 鋁, 鐵, 不銹鋼, 銅, ETC.
自動車床操作過程中, the tool post moves and processes at the same time. 這與CNC車床加工或加工中心有很大不同. The turret of CNC lathe or machining center is processed in turn. Some high-end multi-axis CNC lathes can process two positions of the product at the same time. The price is very high and it is not the same step processing in the true sense.
![]() 自動車床加工各種零件 | 自動車床加工各種零件 |
![]() lathe machined parts | lathe machined parts |
![]() Schroff HRDWR SLEEVE BRASS PLATED | A brass component (Schroff HRDWR SLEEVE BRASS PLATED) used in electronic components produced by our company, material number:, 21100660. |
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