CNC加工原型 & 零件製造服務
數控加工是指控制系統發出指令,使刀具進行符合要求的各種運動. 以數字和字母的形式表示工件的形狀和尺寸以及加工的其他技術要求和加工要求. 一般指在CNC機床上加工零件的過程.
CNC加工樣機服務. 指在CNC工具機上車削、銑削零件的一種工藝方法. 數控工具機加工與傳統工具機加工的製程規格大致一致, 但也發生了重大變化. 利用數位資訊控制零件和刀具位移的加工方法. 是解決可變零件問題的有效途徑, 小批量, 複雜的形狀, 和高精度, and to achieve high-efficiency and automated processing.
數控加工是指控制系統發出指令,使刀具進行符合要求的各種運動. 以數字和字母的形式表示工件的形狀和尺寸以及加工的其他技術要求和加工要求. 一般指在CNC機床上加工零件的過程.
CNC machine is a computer-controlled machine tools. Whether it is a special computer or a general-purpose computer, it is collectively referred to as a numerical control system. The movement and auxiliary actions of the CNC machine tool are controlled by the instructions issued by the CNC system. The instructions of the CNC system are compiled by the programmer according to the material of the workpiece, the processing requirements, the characteristics of the machine tool, and the instruction format (numerical control language or symbols) prescribed by the system. 數控系統根據程式指令向伺服裝置及其他功能部件發出運作或終止訊息,控制機床的各種運動. 當零件加工程序結束時, 工具機會自動停止. 適用於任何類型的CNC工具機, 如果不在CNC系統中輸入程式指令,CNC工具機就無法運作. 工具機的受控動作大致包括工具機的啟動和停止; 主軸啟動和停止, 旋轉方向和變換速度; 方向, 進給運動的速度和模式; 工具選擇, 長度和半徑補償; 更換工具, 冷卻液打開, 關閉, ETC.
有說明書 (手動的) programming and automatic programming methods for NC machining programming. Manual programming, the entire content of the program is manually written in accordance with the instruction format specified by the CNC system. Automatic programming is computer programming, which can be divided into automatic programming methods based on language and drawing. 然而, no matter what kind of automatic programming method is adopted, corresponding hardware and software are required. It can be seen that the realization of CNC machining programming is the key. But programming alone is not enough. Numerical control processing also includes a series of preparatory work that must be done before programming and post-programming work. 一般來說, the main contents of CNC machining process are as follows:
⑵ 零件圖CNC加工製程分析;
⑶ CNC加工製程設計;
⑷ 零件圖的數學處理;
⑸ 編製加工工序清單;
⑹ 依照程式清單製作控制介質;
⑺ 檢查並修改程序;
⑻ 首件試加工及現場問題處理;
⑼ CNC加工製程文件的製定與備案.
為了提高生產自動化, 縮短編程時間,降低CNC加工成本, 開發了一系列先進的數控加工技術並應用於航空航太領域. 如計算機數控, 那是, use a small or microcomputer to replace the controller in the numerical control system, and use the software stored in the computer to perform calculation and control functions. This soft-connected computer numerical control system is gradually replacing the initial state numerical control system. Direct numerical control is to use one computer to directly control multiple numerical control machine tools, which is very suitable for small batch and short cycle production of aircraft. The ideal control system is an adaptive control system that can continuously change processing parameters. Although the system itself is complex and expensive, it can improve processing efficiency and quality. In addition to the improvement of CNC systems and machine tools in terms of hardware, the development of CNC has another important aspect that is the development of software.
為了提高生產自動化, 縮短編程時間,降低CNC加工成本, 開發了一系列先進的數控加工技術並應用於航空航太領域. 如計算機數控, 那是, use a small or microcomputer to replace the controller in the numerical control system, and use the software stored in the computer to perform calculation and control functions. This soft-connected computer numerical control system is gradually replacing the initial state numerical control system. Direct numerical control is the direct control of multiple numerical control machine tools with one computer, which is very suitable for small batch and short cycle production of parts. The ideal control system is an adaptive control system that can continuously change processing parameters. Although the system itself is complex and expensive, it can improve processing efficiency and quality. In addition to the improvement of CNC systems and machine tools in terms of hardware, the development of CNC has another important aspect that is the development of software. Computer-aided programming (also called automatic programming) is after the programmer writes the program in CNC language. Input it into the computer for translation, and finally the computer automatically outputs punched tape or tape. The most widely used CNC language is APT language. It is roughly divided into main processing program and post processing program. The former translates the program written by the programmer to calculate the tool path; The latter compiles the tool path into a part processing program of a CNC machine tool. 數控加工是在加工工件之前預先在計算機上編寫程序, 然後將這些程式輸入到電腦程式控制的工具機中進行指令處理. 或直接在該電腦程式控制的工具機控制面板上編寫加工指令. 機械加工工藝包括: 工具移動, 換刀, 變速, 方向改變, 停止切割, ETC。, 全部自動完成. 數控加工是現代模具製造加工的先進方法. 當然, 數控加工方法絕對不能只用於模具零件加工, 而且用途廣泛.

CNC加工錯誤數: 因程式錯誤編輯△, 工具機誤差△機, 定位誤差△固定, 對刀誤差為△刀, 綜合形成等誤差.
即: △數加=f (△編輯+△機器+△固定+△工具)
1. 程式誤差△由近似誤差δ和捨入誤差組成. 逼近誤差δ是用直線段或圓弧段逼近非圓曲線的過程中產生的, 如圖 1.43.
脈衝當量是指每個單位脈衝對應座標軸的位移. 普通精密CNC工具機, the general pulse equivalent value is 0.01mm;
The pulse equivalent value of more precise CNC machine tools is 0.005mm or 0.001mm, ETC.
2. Machine tool error △machine: It is caused by CNC system error and feed system error.
3. Positioning error △Fixed: it is caused when the workpiece is positioned on the fixture and the fixture is positioned on the machine tool.
4. Tool setting error △Knife: It is generated when determining the relative position of the tool and the workpiece.
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