鈦合金CNC加工應從兩方面入手: 降低切削溫度並減少附著力. 選擇熱硬度高的刀具材料, 高彎曲強度, 良好的導熱性, 與鈦合金的親和力較差. YG硬質合金更適合. 由於高速鋼的耐熱性較差, 應盡可能使用硬質合金製成的工具. 常用的硬質合金刀具材料有YG8, YG3, YG6X, YG6A, 813, 643, YS2T和YD15.
Coated blades and YT-type cemented carbide will have a violent affinity with titanium alloys, aggravating the bonding wear of the tool, and are not suitable for cutting titanium alloys; For complex and multi-edged tools, you can choose high-vanadium high-speed steel (such as W12Cr4V4Mo), high-cobalt high-speed steel (such as W2Mo9Cr4VCo8) or aluminum high-speed steel (such as W6Mo5Cr4V2Al, M10Mo4Cr4V3Al) and other tool materials. It is suitable for making drills, reamers, end mills, broaches, taps and other tools for cutting titanium alloys.
Using diamond and cubic boron nitride as tools for cutting titanium alloys can achieve significant results. If natural diamond tools are used under the condition of emulsion cooling, the cutting speed can reach 200 m/min; If cutting fluid is not used, the allowable cutting speed is only 100m/min at the same amount of wear.

CNC machining of titanium alloy cutting tools