不銹鋼零件CNC加工, 廣泛應用於工業, 對工具產業提出了巨大的挑戰. 開發新的車削刀片材料和斷屑槽型時, 我們必須考慮它們的可加工性. 一組在化學腐蝕環境中提供較長使用壽命的不銹鋼材料, 食物, 造紙和紙漿工業的應用越來越廣泛. 這些材料通常是鉻基鐵或碳鋼,具有良好的耐腐蝕性. 含有不同比重的鉻和鎳的其他組不銹鋼材料用於需要高拉伸強度和耐腐蝕性的航空航天工業. 範圍從中等加工難度的低鎳合金到難加工的高溫合金.

Machining challenges
Although the machinability of stainless steel is very challenging, they are very sticky and produce sticky chips, built-up edge and coating particles caused by the cutting tool. There are even potential problems such as particle extraction at the junction of the coating and the substrate. 然而, major turning tool companies consider these failure modes when designing the latest core carbide grades and chipbreakers. 如今, 易於轉向中等難度加工範圍的不銹鋼批量生產的經濟解決方案很容易獲得.
山高刀具是全系列切削刀具供應商之一,致力於設計新型核心車削刀具材料,以提高各種不銹鋼加工條件和應用中的性能 (包括接近最終形狀和不銹鋼加工). 就硬質合金而言, 山高徹底重組了其用於通用加工的核心車削材料 (TP200) 和重型粗加工 (TP300). 它在基材和底層塗層之間提供更好的附著力以及具有更好韌性的切割刃. 兩種材料均塗有由碳氮化鈦組成的複合塗層 (氮化鈦), 氧化鋁 (三氧化二鋁) 和氮化鈦 (錫) 在具有富鈷區的基材上.
根據鮑勃古爾丁的說法, 卡博洛伊固定產品經理, 重組材料為改良機械加工不銹鋼材料提供了重要的性能. 它們由非常堅韌的塗層和光滑堅硬的頂部塗層組成,可以有效地抵抗拉出,可以更好地抵抗粘屑和積屑瘤.
山高刀具是全系列切削刀具供應商之一,致力於設計新型核心車削刀具材料,以提高各種不銹鋼加工條件和應用中的性能 (包括接近最終形狀和不銹鋼加工). 就硬質合金而言, 山高徹底重組了其用於通用加工的核心車削材料 (TP200) 和重型粗加工 (TP300). 它在基材和底層塗層之間提供更好的附著力以及具有更好韌性的切割刃. 兩種材料均塗有由碳氮化鈦組成的複合塗層 (氮化鈦), 氧化鋁 (三氧化二鋁) 和氮化鈦 (錫) 在具有富鈷區的基材上.
根據鮑勃古爾丁的說法, 卡博洛伊固定產品經理, 重組材料為改良機械加工不銹鋼材料提供了重要的性能. 它們由非常堅韌的塗層和光滑堅硬的頂部塗層組成,可以有效地抵抗拉出,可以更好地抵抗粘屑和積屑瘤.
Goulding表示,透過塗層沉積製程-中溫化學氣相沉積 (較低溫度下的塗層) 提高塗層的韌性和光滑度, 從而延長壽命. 他解釋說, ‘the medium temperature process retains all the hardness and wear resistance of the thicker CVD coating, and also gives you a tougher and smoother coating that minimizes cracks. ’

Design high-efficiency stainless steel turning tools
Although both general-purpose and heavy-roughed materials contain a matrix with good toughness and cobalt-rich regions, the ratio of matrix toughness and coating wear resistance is different. According to Goulding, the coating of TP200 material provides excellent wear resistance at higher cutting speeds, while the toughness of the substrate of TP300 material is better, which improves the ability to process high-strength stainless steel at lower speeds. ‘The toughness of our heavy roughing materials is particularly good, combined with the thick MTCVD coating, 這使得您的切割刃變得堅硬且非常堅韌,’古爾丁說. 「您可以獲得有效的耐磨性和出色的抗切割邊緣凹槽磨損能力. 基於這些特點, Goulding推薦用於高速切削易切削鐵素體不銹鋼的通用材料TP200. TP300材料用於中等加工難度的高強度不銹鋼合金的低速應用.
According to Goulding, 將會有用於不銹鋼加工的正確斷屑槽幾何形狀的模型, 山高重組的核心「M3」槽型用於輕到中負載切削. 可用於鋼材精加工的這種槽形以及重組型芯“MF2”槽形設計. The width and angle of the negative chamfer can be varied to provide the cutting edge strength required for effective chip breaking in a wide range of applications including small depth of cut and high feed. The increased cutting edge strength at high feeds helps to control groove wear at the depth of cut when stainless steel is applied and close to the final shape.
According to Goulding, 將會有用於不銹鋼加工的正確斷屑槽幾何形狀的模型, 山高重組的核心「M3」槽型用於輕到中負載切削. 可用於鋼材精加工的這種槽形以及重組型芯“MF2”槽形設計. The width and angle of the negative chamfer can be varied to provide the cutting edge strength required for effective chip breaking in a wide range of applications including small depth of cut and high feed. The increased cutting edge strength at high feeds helps to control groove wear at the depth of cut when stainless steel is applied and close to the final shape.
In the entire range of applications, the new geometry design also provides better tool life. One contributing factor is the positive angle of entry, which promotes freer cutting and lower chip temperature. The other is the chip control angle. The strategically placed ‘bump’ on the tool tip replaces a hard chip breaker to control the chip curl required for chip breaking. The straight-pressed bulge helps to limit the contact between the chip and the blade to only two points: the cut-in angle and the bulge itself (cut-out angle). 因此, the heat and cutting force transferred to the insert are reduced, thereby increasing tool life. The two contact points are also quite wide, so any diffused wear on the rake face caused by the chemical reaction of chips and cemented carbide will not grow up together, causing early failure of the front blade.
In the entire range of applications, the new geometry design also provides better tool life. One contributing factor is the positive angle of entry, which promotes freer cutting and lower chip temperature. The other is the chip control angle. The strategically placed ‘bump’ on the tool tip replaces a hard chip breaker to control the chip curl required for chip breaking. The straight-pressed bulge helps to limit the contact between the chip and the blade to only two points: the cut-in angle and the bulge itself (cut-out angle). 因此, the heat and cutting force transferred to the insert are reduced, thereby increasing tool life. The two contact points are also quite wide, so any diffused wear on the rake face caused by the chemical reaction of chips and cemented carbide will not grow up together, causing early failure of the front blade.
Although the current core turning materials and chip breakers provide good performance for stainless steel processing in the medium processing difficulty range. 然而, there are no successful cases regarding the extremely difficult to process stainless steel materials. ‘As the nickel/chromium content in stainless steel increases, you usually work at very low speeds,’古爾丁說. ‘You need a strong cutting edge to withstand the extreme pressure required to cut this material. If the cutting edge is too sharp, the blade will chip. ’
To meet these needs under current conditions, Seco provides a tough TP40 cutting material, a ‘MR7’ chipbreaker with high cutting edge strength, and a tough ‘R7’ single-sided geometry. 同時, the company is studying a new material/chipbreaker combination that resists cracking and provides the required toughness and good wear resistance along the cutting edge in high-alloy stainless steel applications. “We are exploring the possibility of modifying our TP200 and TP300 materials and adding another chipbreaker to meet a wider range of stainless steel materials processing,” 古爾丁說.