5-軸加工技術, 銑削技術



CNC加工過程中造成鋁合金零件變形的原因有很多, 而操作方法也是實際操作的原因之一. 下一個, 鋁合金零件CNC加工廠家簡單介紹鋁合金零件加工的操作技巧.

(1) For parts with large milling allowances, in order to have better heat dissipation conditions during processing and avoid heat concentration, symmetrical processing should be used during processing. 如果有一塊90mm厚的鋁板需要處理到60mm, if the other side is milled immediately after milling all the margins on one side, and the final size is processed at one time, the flatness can only reach 5mm; If symmetrical processing with repeated feeds on two sides is used, 每面均經過兩次加工至最終尺寸, which can ensure a flatness of 0.3mm.

(2) 透過改變切削量來降低切削力和切削熱. 切削量三要素中, 切削厚度對切削力影響很大. If the milling allowance is too large, 一次切削力太大, 這不僅會使零件變形, 也會影響工具機主軸的剛性,降低刀具的耐用度. 如果減少切削厚度, 生產效率會大幅降低. 然而, high-speed milling is used in CNC machining, which can overcome this problem. 在減少切削厚度的同時, 只要相應增加進給量,提高工具機速度, 在確保加工效率的同時可以減少切削力.

(3) If there are multiple cavities on the aluminum plate part, 加工時不宜採用逐腔順序加工方式, as this will easily cause uneven stress and deformation of the parts. 採用多層加工, 而每一層都盡可能同時加工到所有型腔, 然後進行下一層加工,使零件受力均勻,減少變形.

4) The thin-walled aluminum alloy workpiece is deformed due to the clamping of the fixture during CNC machining. Even finishing is unavoidable. 為了盡量減少工件的變形, you can loosen the clamp before the finishing process reaches the final size, so that the workpiece can be restored to its original shape freely. Then lightly compress it to the extent that it can just clamp the workpiece, 從而獲得理想的加工效果. 簡而言之, 夾緊力的作用點最好在支撐面上, and the clamping force should act in the direction where the rigidity of the workpiece is good. Under the premise of ensuring that the workpiece does not loosen, 夾緊力越小, 越好.

(5) The CNC cutting sequence should also be paid attention to. 粗加工強調加工效率的提升與追求單位時間的去除率. Rough machining can generally be upside milling. 那是, 以最快的速度、最短的時間去除毛坯表面多餘的材料, 精加工所需的幾何輪廓已基本形成. 精加工的重點是高精度和高品質, so down milling should be used. 因為順銑時刀齒的切削厚度從最大逐漸減少到零, 加工硬化程度大大降低, 同時, the degree of deformation of the parts is reduced.

(6) When CNC machining aluminum parts with cavities, try not to let the milling cutter plunge directly into the part like a drill. This leads to insufficient chip holding space of the milling cutter, unsmooth chip removal, and unfavorable phenomena such as parts overheating, 擴張, tool collapse, and tool breakage. 第一的, drill the hole with a milling cutter of the same size as the milling cutter or one size larger, and then use the milling cutter to mill. 或者, 可利用CAM軟體製作螺旋切削程序.




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