


數控銑床可進行複雜形狀五金零件的銑削加工. 銑削是為了修復毛坯, 並用高速旋轉的銑刀在毛坯上移動,切削出所需的形狀和特徵. 傳統銑削多用於銑削輪廓、凹槽等簡單形狀特徵. 數控銑床可以加工複雜的形狀和特徵. The milling and boring machining center can perform three-axis or multi-axis finishing. Used for processing, 模具, 檢查工具, aluminum cavity prototypes, 薄壁複雜曲面, 人工義肢, 葉輪葉片, ETC. When choosing CNC milling processing, we should give full play to the advantages of CNC milling machine.

Milling is a common metal cold processing method. 與車削的差別在於銑削, the tool is driven by the spindle to rotate at a high speed, 當工件相對靜止時.
車削和銑削的區別: Turning is used to process revolving parts. The parts are clamped on the main shaft of the machine tool through three gripping chucks and rotated at high speed. Then use a turning tool to move the tool according to the generatrix of the revolving body, turning out the appearance of the product. The lathe can also process inner holes, threads, 滾花, ETC.

CNC milling of hardware parts

CNC milling of hardware parts



(1) Curve contours on milling hardware workpieces, straight lines, arcs, threads or spiral curves, especially non-circular curves and list curve contours given by mathematical expressions.
(2) It is possible to mill the spatial curve or surface of the given mathematical model.
(3) Although the shape of the milling pin is simple, the parts are of various sizes and difficult to detect.
(4) CNC milling can be selected for the inner cavity of the product and the inside of the box that are difficult to observe, control and detect during the processing of ordinary machine tools.
(5) Holes or flat parts with strict size requirements can be milled.
(6) A simple surface or shape that can be milled in one clamping.
(7) The use of CNC milling processing can effectively increase productivity and reduce labor intensity.
The main processing products suitable for CNC milling include the following categories: flat contour parts, 可變斜角零件, spatial curved contour parts, 孔和螺紋, ETC.


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