銑削技術, 原型技術



類別: 鋁合金手板 / CNC加工樣機
加工方法: CNC processing
材料: 鋁合金
產品名稱: Machining laser aluminum housing cavity
品牌: Chinese KangDing prototype
表面處理: 去毛刺
加工週期: 3 -7 七個工作天
檢測標準: 3D 客戶提供圖紙

CNC machining of aluminum alloy cavity prototype

CNC machining of aluminum alloy cavity prototype

高漫反射雷射腔體主要用於固體、液體雷射元件泵浦腔的製作. 結構採用緊密密封裝形式, 並採用高反射率漫反射材質作為泵浦光源的反射鏡. 由於高漫反射雷射腔的設計與結構特點, 泵浦光源的能量均勻分佈在泵浦腔內, 使雷射材料能夠均衡地吸收能量. Thereby, the beam quality of the laser is greatly improved, the stability of the beam is improved, and the energy conversion efficiency is higher. In the choice of diffuse reflection materials for the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity, diffuse reflection materials with a reflectivity of nearly 100% 被使用, which have the characteristics of water repellency and long life, and slight pollution can be restored by cleaning. Compared with laser cavities of other structural forms, the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity also has the characteristics of relatively simple structure, 低成本, convenient operation, maintenance and replacement.

Due to the extremely excellent performance of the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity, it has become an irreplaceable product for certain laser applications. It has been widely used in laser application fields such as scientific research, 軍隊, 醫療的, industry, ETC.




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