數控銑削是銑刀以旋轉運動切削材料的過程. 它允許製造商將原材料塑造成特定的形式, 建立具有所需尺寸和幾何形狀的組件. 銑床還可以實現極其嚴格的公差和高精度.



鋁合金拉削, 不銹鋼, 銅及鈦合金零件:
拉削是一種高效率的精加工方法. 除了拉削圓孔外, 還可以拉削各種截面形狀的通孔和內鍵槽, 如圖 7-19. 拉削圓孔可達到的尺寸公差等級為IT9~IT7, 表面粗糙度值為Ra1.6~0.4μm.




CNC加工成本是多少? 不同材料CNC加工工時報價 (金屬, 塑膠).
首先, CNC加工成本會因您所做的CNC加工零件不同而有很大差異. 下訂單前, 有必要檢查您的專案的總體預算. 必須考慮影響CNC加工成本的幾個方面.




操作員可以運行 CNC 程式之前, 他們必須準備CNC工具機進行操作. 這些準備工作包括將工件直接固定在機器上, 在機械主軸上, 在機器視覺設備或類似的工件固定設備中, 並連接所需的工具 (例如鑽頭和銑床) 合適的 CNC 加工零件.
機器完全安裝後, 操作員可以運行 CNC 程序.


CNC 加工零件的表面精加工

CNC 加工零件的表面精加工

Surface treatment technology and function of CNC machined parts, Surface finish cost
For each product, a specific surface treatment for CNC machining components can be carried out. 然而, the surface finishes of the product tend to increase the corresponding cost.
Some surface treatments, such as high polish, aim to remove any trace of the machining process.
The surface finish can produce a reflective surface.
Matte surface treatment or sandblasting eliminates reflections.


數控銑削零件 銑削類型

CNC Milling Parts Supplier

What is milling? What is the process of milling? What parts can be machined by CNC milling? What precision can China mill parts achieve?
CNC milled parts
How are CNC milled parts manufactured?
CNC milled parts are machined on CNC milling machines with the help of rotating tools. CNC milling machines with different degrees of freedom of movement are used: 3-軸, 4-axis and 5-axis milling machines.


Set the Parameters of CNC Milling Parts

Set the Parameters of CNC Milling Parts

Milling to match: milling is counter-low, or down-current milling.
Milling oposition: milling is against the edge, or normal milling.
In the milling in accordance, the tool xira in the same feeling in the progress of the piece. This type of milling is also known as contra-low milling because, when the xiru of the mill is horizontal, the vertical component of the cutting force is directed against the pack. In the milling oposition, also known as milling is against the edge, the opposite occurs, this is, the tool will go in the opposite direction to the best of the piece and the vertical component of the cutting force is directed against the edge.
