CNC生產的螺紋防水透氣閥,經久耐用, 螺紋透氣閥. 它很容易組裝到現有設備中,可用於控制電路等各種應用.
CNC精密加工主要包括精車削, 精鏜, 精銑, 精磨和研磨工藝:
(1) 精車和精鏜: 大部分為精密輕合金 (鋁或鎂合金, ETC。) 飛機上的零件大多採用這種方法加工.
數控車削是一種流行的加工工藝, 但是 CNC 的實際意義是什麼以及這種方法相對於其他方法的優點是什麼?
在較早的時候, 金屬車削零件仍然是在車床上手工製造的, 這是透過 CNC 車削完全自動完成的 – 此工作由CNC車床完成.
CNC車床加工流程是怎樣的? 精密車床可以加工哪些零件, 它能達到什麼精度?
這是透過排屑形成旋轉表面的過程. 這會產生旋轉表面,我們沿著垂直於其軸的平面進行切割, 結果是圓形的.
Low Alloy Steel Turning
Material classification: P2.x
The ease of machining of low alloy steels depends on the alloy content and the heat treatment (硬度). For all materials in this group, the most common wear mechanisms are flange and crater wear. For hardened materials, plastic deformation is also a common wear mechanism due to the higher temperature in the cutting area.
What is a CNC lathe? How to set up the turning of the CNC lathe?
Numerical control lathe or CNC lathe refers to a lathe-type machine tool that is used to machine parts of revolution using computer software that uses alphanumeric data, following the Cartesian X, Y axes. It is used to produce in quantities and with precision, because the computer that incorporates control is in charge of the execution of the piece.