

和山羊, 我們的重點是為您提供OEM快速成型和小批量生產各種金屬配件服務. 我們的國際高級工程師和技術團隊致力於使用最先進的加工設備和技術來製造客製化金屬零件,包括多軸數控加工和沖壓, 金屬板材成型, 銑削, 模具設計, 不銹鋼加工, 和鋁加工. 我們能以合理的價格快速且準確地將您的想法轉化為產品.

專業加工: 金屬零件, 精密機械零件, 醫療設備配件, 玩具金屬零件, 汽車零件, 船用五金件, 軸, 機殼, 終端, 彈片, 鋁製外殼, 電子硬體, 電器, 電動工具零件, 鋁合金手板及工裝夾具, ETC.

可加工材料: 不銹鋼, 鋁, 低碳鋼, 銅, 鐵, 鋁合金, 聚四氟乙烯, POM 棒及其他金屬和塑料. 整合各類原料加工: 鍛造, 鑄件, 脫蠟, 壓鑄, 粉末冶金, 和擠壓型材. 如AL6061/7075, SUS303/304, 防靜電225/420, 收成, S136H, SS440C, 17-4PH值, SKD61, POM 競賽鋼, 工程塑膠PEEK等.

另外, 我們也可以為客戶提供一些特殊的金屬加工, 表面處理: 精加工, 精密電火花異形加工, 滲碳, 氮化, 真空熱處理, 超低溫處理, 鋁件硬質氧化, 鋼藍色, 不銹鋼 鍍鋅, 電解拋光, 化學鍍鎳, 鍍金, 鍍銀, ETC.

一站式服務為客戶解決生產, 高精度產品的加工及品質檢驗要求。, 專業技術人員, 完整的品質管制體系, 和及時的交貨能力, 是您最好的合作夥伴.

Kangding Hardware is a precision metal processing factory integrating design, 製造業, assembly and sales services. It has first-class mechanical processing equipment such as high-speed precision CNC machining centers (DMG / Haas / Gamma HL-600 / TAC / /KINGSTRONG / POTENZA) CNC lathes, digital milling, 磨削, wire cutting, 沖孔, ETC。, high-precision metal stamping (punching accuracy of plus or minus 0.01MM, punch speed SPM1500). A number of advanced inspection equipment, such as microscopes, projectors, hardness testers, Swiss altimeters, ETC.

Experienced senior engineers and high-quality quality inspection teams have provided quality assurance for our products. 現在, they are the first-tier suppliers of Nokia, Huawei, ZTE and other communications industries; The company has passed TS16949, ISO9001, ISO14000 management system certification, various types of products are exported to the United States, Canada, France, Britain, Finland, 德國, India, 韓國, 日本, 新加坡, 澳洲, 俄羅斯及其他國家, 獲得了客戶的認可. 熱忱歡迎廣大客戶來電諮詢, 我們將與您攜手共贏!

本公司始終秉承“ "以誠為本, 以客戶為中心". 活躍客戶好產品, 售前技術支援, 優質的售後服務! 贏得客戶一致好評!
精湛的技術, 高品質, 優質的服務, 業界領先…



1. 選擇客製化金屬加工廠家時, 你應該選擇一個強大的.
2. 在客製化金屬加工領域, 技術優勢是成功的關鍵. Choosing a manufacturer with technical advantages can provide you with better product design and manufacturing solutions to meet your customized needs.
3. Experienced manufacturers can provide more perfect solutions for different customization needs.

1. Idea

Please tell us your metal parts requirements 1~2 days

2. Scheme

Make suitable schemes 1~3 days

3. Done

Arrange production and shipment 7~15 days


Factory Show

Founded in 2007, our company is a metal parts machinery manufacturing enterprise integrating design, 製造業, 加工, installation and maintenance. The company has passed TS16949, ISO9001, ISO14000 management system certification.

Customer Service

Rapid prototyping services china - Prototyping And CNC Manufacturing Solutions At KANGDING, we provide high-quality prototyping, rapid tooling and low-volume CNC manufacturing services to support your product development needs. 我們的國際工程師團隊與您合作,透過金屬 3D 列印等製造技術將您的產品創意變為現實, 真空鑄造, CNC加工, 塑膠射出成型和一系列精加工服務. 如果您準備好開始下一個項目, 請立即聯絡我們以取得報價.


在使用快速原型進行生產之前測試您的新產品或零件. 您的原型將允許您測試形式和功能,同時確保其設計適合製造.



小批量 CNC 製造是在大量生產之前管理庫存和測試市場的理想解決方案. 我們可以使 100,000+ 快速零件.



Our custom metal stamping service uses a combination of high-speed presses and progressive dies to provide the most cost-effective solution for high volume manufacturing. When appropriate we design & build specialized manufacturing cells utilizing automation for high-volume, low-cost production.


Long-Run, High Speed Stamping Parts

KangDING has more than 30 dozen punch presses ranging up to 600 ton SSDC. Press bed sizes are up to 168″ x 54″. Press stroke ranges up to 12″. Our customers’ higher volume progressive die stamped parts may require production rates of up to 50,000 parts per hour.


CNC Turning Service

CNC turned prototypes and production parts in days | AS9100D | 國際標準化組織 9001:2015 | 國際標準化組織 13485 | IATF 16949:2016 |This technology is ideal for manufacturing parts with symmetry along their center axis. Turned parts are typically produced faster (並且以較低的成本) 比銑削零件.



CNC銑削各類零件, 從簡單的“機械加工”工件夾具到複雜的幾何形狀. 我們的製造商經營幾乎所有類型的CNC銑床和車削中心, 可根據要求提供 EDM 和磨床. 我們提供低至 ± 的公差.020 毫米 (±.001 在) 和交貨時間從 5 工作日.

