cnc torna teknolojisi

CNC torna işlemede kenetleme için önlemler

CNC torna tezgahının sıkma tasarımı

CNC torna tezgahının işleme teknolojisi sıradan torna tezgahınınkine benzer. Fakat, çünkü CNC torna tezgahı tek seferlik bir sıkma işlemidir, Tüm tornalama işlemlerini tamamlamak için sürekli ve otomatik işleme. Öyleyse, aşağıdaki hususlara dikkat edilmelidir:
1. Makul kesme miktarı seçimi
Whether the selection of cutting parameters (ap, f, v) is reasonable, plays a very important role in whether the machine tool can fully utilize the potential of the machine tool and the cutting performance of the tool to achieve high quality, high yield, low cost and safe operation.
When rough turning, first consider choosing a turning depth ap as large as possible, then choosing a larger feed amount f, and finally determining an appropriate cutting speed v. Increasing the turning depth ap can reduce the number of passes, and increasing the feed f is beneficial to chip breaking. Öyleyse, it is beneficial to select the rough turning amount according to the above principles to improve production efficiency, reduce tool consumption, and reduce processing costs.

CNC torna tezgahının sıkma tasarımı

CNC torna tezgahının sıkma tasarımı

In fine turning, the machining accuracy and surface roughness are required to be high, and the machining allowance is not large and more uniform. Öyleyse, when choosing the amount of cutting for finishing, it is important to consider how to ensure the quality of the machining, and on this basis, maximize the productivity. Öyleyse, a smaller (but not too small) turning thickness ap and feed f should be used for fine turning. And choose high cutting performance tool materials and reasonable geometric parameters to increase the cutting speed v as much as possible.

2. Choose a tool reasonably
1) When rough turning, choose a tool with high strength and good durability to meet the requirements of large turning depth and large feed when rough turning;
2) When finishing turning, choose tools with high precision and good durability to ensure the requirements of machining accuracy.
3) Takım değiştirme süresini azaltmak ve takım ayarını kolaylaştırmak için, machine clamp blades should be used as much as possible.

3. Choose fixtures reasonably
1) Try to use general fixtures to clamp the workpiece, avoid using special fixtures;
2) Parçaların konumlandırma verileri, konumlandırma hatalarını azaltmak için çakışıyor.

4. Determine the processing track
İşleme rotası indeks kontrollü takım tezgahının işlenmesi sırasında takımın parçaya göre hareket yolu ve yönüdür.:
1) It should be able to ensure the processing accuracy and surface roughness requirements;
2) Takımın boşta hareket süresini azaltmak için işleme rotası mümkün olduğunca kısaltılmalıdır..

5. The relationship between machining track and machining allowance
Şu anda, under the condition that the CNC lathe has not reached the popular use, boşluktaki fazla kenar boşluğu, especially the margin containing the forged and cast hard skin layer, işleme için sıradan bir torna tezgahında düzenlenmelidir. If you must use a CNC lathe to process, you need to pay attention to the flexible design of the program.

6. Jig mounting points. Şu anda, the connection between the hydraulic chuck and the hydraulic clamping cylinder is realized by a tie rod. Hidrolik ayna sıkma işleminin ana noktaları aşağıdaki gibidir:
First use a moving hand to remove the nut on the hydraulic cylinder, remove the pull tube, and pull it out from the rear of the spindle, and then use the moving hand to remove the chuck fixing screw to remove the chuck.

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