CNC machining of high-precision parts

How to improve the accuracy of CNC machining parts?

In the process of CNC machine tool parts processing, the accuracy of the parts processed directly affects the quality of the product itself. Some mechanical parts and compact equipment parts have very high requirements for machining accuracy. Improving the machining accuracy of CNC machine tools is the key to the problem. Through comparative research and analysis, the following countermeasures can be adopted:

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5-axis milled lampshade prototype

simulation of CNC milling processing Components

Virtual reality, as a new high-tech technology, has been widely used in many fields such as aviation, aerospace, and manufacturing. An important application of this technology is the simulation of some phenomena in the manufacturing industry. The most typical is the simulation of CNC machining process. At present, simulation technology based on surface modeling and solid modeling has been widely used in CNC simulation, and there are also good algorithms for single-sided machining simulation of three-axis CNC milling machines.

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5-axis milling of machine housing

Tool path design for 5-axis CNC machining

Before the 5-axis milling tool path design, the system accuracy of the CAD 3D model should be set as high as possible. Especially when model conversion between different CAD systems, CATIA (*.model) format and Parasolid (*.x_t) format are preferred for data conversion. Secondly, use IGES format for data conversion. When using the IGES format, the system accuracy should generally not be less than 0.01mm. Especially when performing five-axis high-speed cutting of precision parts, the accuracy of the model and the accuracy of tool interpolation have an important impact on the output of the tool path.

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5-axis machining of copper surface

Interference settings for 5 axis milling tools

With the increase of complex surface design of parts in modern industry, 5-axis machining will account for an increasing proportion of CNC machining. As 5-axis CNC machining adds two degrees of freedom of rotation, it increases the difficulty of CNC machining motion simulation calculation and tool interference check, especially when machining parts with extremely complex shapes.

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Path simulation of 5-axis high-speed milling

Path simulation of 5-axis high-speed milling based on Vericut

Path simulation of 5-axis high-speed milling
Because the tool path is more complicated during five-axis high-speed milling, and the tool axis vector changes frequently during the machining process. Especially in high-speed cutting, the tool movement speed is very fast, so it is very necessary to carry out the verification and review of the CNC program before the actual product cnc processing.

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Machining titanium medical components

Comparison of 5-axis and 3-axis milling

Milling can obtain a good curved approximate surface. When using a ball-end tool for three-axis milling, the linear feed motion in the x, y, and z directions can ensure that the tool cuts to any coordinate point on the workpiece, but the direction of the tool axis cannot be changed. The actual cutting speed of the point on the tool axis is zero, and the chip space in the center of the tool is also very small. If these points are involved in cutting, the unfavorable cutting conditions will cause the quality of the machined surface to decrease, the blade wear will increase, and the machining time will be prolonged. So that high-grade tool materials are not fully utilized.

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5 axis milling of turbine impeller

5 axis milling machining of turbine impeller

Before adopting 5-axis CNC machining centers, most turbomachinery manufacturers used 3-axis or 4-axis machine tools to process impellers, and most of them used point machining. That is, every point on the blade surface is processed into a point by the tool tip. When the tool moves along the surface of the blade, it will leave some pits or residual sharp corners, and the height of these pits or sharp corners depends on the programming skills. Point processing is also a feasible method, but this method has some unavoidable disadvantages:

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