5-axelbearbetningsteknik, frästeknik

Skillnaden mellan 3-axliga och 5-axliga CNC-bearbetningscentra

5-axelsvänghuvud typ (vänster) och 5-axligt tiltsvänghuvud typ (höger)

Det är oetiskt att “prata om precision utan själva CNC-maskinen”. Om det sägs så “precisionen för en femaxlig CNC-maskin kommer definitivt att vara högre än den för en treaxlig CNC-maskin”, då är det helt på papper. Det är fullt möjligt att avancerade treaxliga verktygsmaskiner har ett högre bearbetningsnoggrannhetsindex än vanliga femaxliga verktygsmaskiner.
Den 3-axliga verktygsmaskinen innehåller tre linjära axlar, X, Y, och Z, and its structure is relatively simple. During the processing of the 3-axis machining center, the direction of the tool axis will not change, the motion mode is also limited, and the programming is relatively simple.
On the surface, a 5-axis machine tool has two more rotation axes than a three-axis machine tool. Det är, in addition to the three linear axes of X, Y, och Z, a 5-axis machine tool also includes two of the A, B, and C rotation axes around the three linear axes of X, Y, and Z respectively. Mainly include the following combinations:

5-axis single turntable type  - 5-axis single pendulum head type

5-axis single turntable type – 5-axis single pendulum head type

5-axelsvänghuvud typ (vänster) och 5-axligt tiltsvänghuvud typ (höger)

5-axelsvänghuvud typ (vänster) och 5-axligt tiltsvänghuvud typ (höger)

5-axis swivel type (vänster) and 5-axis tilt swivel type (höger)

5-axis swivel type (vänster) and 5-axis tilt swivel type (höger)

De “5-axis tilting headmentioned in the figure means that there is a rotating axis that is not perpendicular to the three linear axes, which is relatively rare. Its motion relationship is more complicated, but its structure is relatively compact, and its dynamic and static rigidity is better.

The difference between three-axis and five-axis is mainly reflected in the processing capacity. A five-axis machine tool can do the work of a three-axis machine tool, but the three-axis machine cannot complete the work of a five-axis machine tool. This shows that the existence of two rotating axes gives the five-axis machine tool stronger processing capabilities.

The advantages of the five-axis are mainly reflected in the following points:
1. Reduce the number of clamping. Due to the existence of two rotating shafts of the five-axis machine tool, the tool can approach the workpiece from any direction, and one clamping can realize the processing of all surfaces except the mounting surface. “Reduce the number of clamping timescan be described as two goals for the pursuit of high-efficiency and high-precision machining. Å ena sidan, reducing the number of clamping times can save time, reduce the labor intensity of workers, and improve processing efficiency;
Å andra sidan, it is possible to minimize possible errors caused by clamping and ensure processing accuracy.

2. Maintain the best cutting condition of the tool. Due to the use of a five-axis machine tool, the tool can approach the workpiece from any direction, so that the tool can cut the workpiece at the most appropriate angle. It can also improve processing efficiency and processing quality.

3. Effectively avoid interference between tools. Also because of the existence of two rotating axes of a five-axis machine tool, the tool can approach the workpiece from any direction, making the processing path flexible and changeable. Can effectively avoid the interference problem in the processing process.

4. Shorten the development cycle. This is also the effect that is naturally achieved after the quality and efficiency are improved.

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