Turned parts use lathe processing technology. Rotary machining of complex metal parts such as precision shaft pins, skivor, sleeves, etc.
val av verktyg för CNC-svarvning av små precisionsdetaljer
CNC-svarvdelar bearbetade genom fräsning och skärning
CNC-svarvsvarvning Complex Shape Parts Groove
CNC svarvning precisionsdelarservice
Anpassade precisionssvarvdelar i koppar
Fixtur och verktygsinställning av svarvdelar
Svarv CNC-bearbetning metall liten, stora komponenter Pris
Svarvsvarvning av precisionselektriska delar av koppar
Icke-standard OEM Små elektroniska svarvdelar
Precisionssvarvningsprocess av stor gängad axel
Turning is a process by which material is cut to create round shapes, typically using a CNC Lathe. The workpiece is placed inside the lathe and rotates while a cutter removes material until only the desired shape remains.
Turning is ideal for cylindrical parts and is primarily done using round rod material, but square and hexagonal bar stock can also be used.
The primary objective of CNC turning is to machine parts having shapes that can be formed by feeding a cutter into a rotating bar of raw material. Turning can also be used to reduce the diameter of a workpiece to a desired dimension. Lathe turning is mainly used for shaping metal or wood.