
CNC-bearbetningskostnaden är hur mycket

5-offert för delar för axelbearbetning

Vad är kostnaden för CNC-bearbetning? mantimme Offert för CNC-bearbetning av olika material (metall, plast).

För det första, CNC-bearbetningskostnaderna kommer att variera avsevärt beroende på de olika CNC-bearbetningsdelarna du gör. Innan du gör en beställning, det är nödvändigt att kontrollera den övergripande budgeten för ditt projekt. Du måste överväga flera aspekter som påverkar kostnaden för CNC-bearbetning.

CNC machining design cost;
The quantity of CNC machining parts;
CNC machining material costs;
The cost of using different types of (Turning, milling) CNC machines;
CNC machining Cost of surface finishes
CNC machining Labor costs

CNC machining Design cost

Various aspects of the design will affect production costs.
The complexity of the design will have an impact on this. More complex designs will require more programming time. This will increase the price of your order and CNC Machining Providers will also charge you for the time spent in digital format.

Machining cost of stainless steel parts

Machining cost of stainless steel parts

aluminum alloy parts machining cost

aluminum alloy parts machining cost

Bearbetningskostnad för koppardelar

Bearbetningskostnad för koppardelar


The quantity of CNC machining parts;

The amount of your order will also affect the cost that the CNC Service Company charges you.

Small orders will be cheaper than large ones. dock, larger orders will reduce the cost of each item.

Till exempel, suppose you want to order ten units of CNC machining components. A rapid prototyping company could set a price of $ 15 per unit, which means they must pay a total of $ 150.

dock, suppose you have ordered 50 units of CNC precision machining parts, each can cost only $ 5 and you will have to pay a total of $ 250. Yes, although you have to pay an extra $ 100, relatively speaking, you get more products. .

Cost of CNC machining materials
Depending on your product, no matter what you want CNC Plastic Machining Parts or CNC Metal Machining Parts, these CNC machining materials will affect your cost.

In general, plastic will be cheaper than metal because it is not durable and less expensive to produce.
The cost of the material is usually a 6 ″ x 6 ″ x 1 ″ piece.

The price of each piece of common materials used in CNC plastic machining parts are:
The cost of ABS is $ 8 per block
POM (Delrin) charges $ 15 per block
Nylon 6 sells for $ 15 each.
The cost of some popular materials used for CNC machining of metal parts are:

The price of 6061 aluminium , 7075 aluminum CNC machining parts is $ 15 each.
Steel for CNC machining costs $ 25 per piece.
Stainless steel CNC machining services cost $ 30 each.

5-offert för delar för axelbearbetning

5-offert för delar för axelbearbetning

Machining cost of acrylic parts

Machining cost of acrylic parts

Machining cost of plastic parts

Machining cost of plastic parts

The cost of using different types of CNC machines.

You can rent several different types of CNC machines for the project. The one you choose can affect your labor costs.
The CNC service company sets the machine rental as an hourly rate. CNC Machining Providers use the price of the machine and how long it can run in one hour each year to calculate this. It is usually calculated by dividing the cost of the machine by 5000.

There are two main types of CNC machines: a 3-axis CNC machine and a multi-axis machine.

How much does CNC machining cost per hour?
3-axis CNC machines include CNC milling machines (operating cost approximately US $ 10 per hour) and CNC turning machines (operating cost approximately US $ 15 per hour).
The multi-axis machine running cost is higher, so the price is higher as well.

Their prices range from $ 25 till $ 40 an hour. Some prices may be higher than this, so you need to ask about your machine selection when getting a quote.

Kostnad för ytfinish

För varje produkt, en specifik ytbehandling för CNC-bearbetningskomponenter kan utföras. dock, produktens ytfinish tenderar att öka motsvarande kostnad.
Vissa ytbehandlingar, som högpolering, syfta till att ta bort alla spår av bearbetningsprocessen.

Ytfinishen kan ge en reflekterande yta.
Matt ytbehandling eller sandblästring eliminerar reflexer.
Spegellack på klar plast för att se ut som glas.
Efterbehandlingsmålning och färgning kan ändra färgen på produkten.
Lasergravering kan dekorera dina produkter.
Genom att skriva ut, du kan skriva ut bokstäver eller mönster på produkten efter att den är klar.
Mjuk ytbehandling innebär applicering av en mjuk gummiliknande beläggning över produkten.
Vissa ytbehandlingar spelar en avgörande roll för att dina produkter ska hålla längre. Dessa inkluderar galvaniserade, anodiserad, och borstade.
Vissa företag kan tillåta dig att kombinera olika ytbehandlingar på sina produkter. Till exempel, du kanske kan få en laseretsad blank polerad yta, även om detta kan kosta mer.

Labor costs

The most significant labor cost found in CNC machining is the initial design and digitization cost. It uses computer software, but it also requires the help of design experts.

Especially when your product is complicated, the design time and difficulty will increase. dock, regardless of the quality of your order, the design labor costs will remain the same. This means that if you place a large number of orders, your labor costs will drop to less per unit.
Additional labor costs include paying machine operators during production. If your production window is short, then it will be less. Post-processing, efterbehandling, or assembly of parts also requires additional manual labor, which will increase labor costs. That is why it may be cheaper for some projects to outsource manufacturing to a country like China.

På det här sättet, you must weigh your labor costs. Large orders reduce the unit design cost, but the lead time is longer. Därför, you will have to pay more for the operation of the machine.

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