CNC machining of mold cores

Numerical control machining of mold core

Nyckelord: CNC machining of mold cores, CNC-bearbetning

The core and cavity of the mold often have various free-form surfaces, which are very suitable for processing on CNC machine tools. The process of CNC machining is quite different from the ordinary process. This article combines the NC machining process design of the mold core of children’s product decorations, analyzes and summarizes the process characteristics of the mold NC machining, and provides a reference for the NC process design of the mold.

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CNC automatic programming method

How many methods are there for NC machining programming?

Automatic programming of CNC machining
The automatic programming of CNC machining is also called computer-aided programming, det är, most or all of the programming is done by the computer. Such as completing the calculation of coordinate values, compiling part processing procedures, automatically outputting and printing processing procedures and preparing control media.

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Milling impeller processing of milling machine

Solve the deformation of parts in high-speed milling

The high-speed milling system is a complex dynamic system, which is prone to chatter vibration when machining thin parts. Flutter is a very strong relative vibration between the tool and the workpiece during the milling process. This kind of vibration will destroy the relative correct position of the tool and the workpiece, och minska ytbearbetningskvaliteten och fräsningseffektiviteten. Under en lång tid, skärande prat har varit ett stort forskningsämne inom maskintillverkningsindustrin och fräsbearbetning.

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Ultraprecision CNC fräsdelar

Ultraprecisionsskärning började med SPDT-teknik, som stöds av luftlagerspindlar, pneumatiska diabilder, hög styvhet, högprecisionsverktyg, återkopplingskontroll, och miljötemperaturkontroll för att erhålla ytjämnhet på nanonivå. Diamantskärare används mest, som används i stor utsträckning vid bearbetning av platta och asfäriska optiska element av koppar, plexiglas, plastprodukter (såsom kameraplastlinser, kontaktlinser, etc.), keramik och kompositmaterial.

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