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Výrobca rýchleho prototypovania
Prototyp je jeden alebo viac funkčných prototypov vyrobených podľa výkresov vzhľadu produktu alebo štrukturálnych výkresov za predpokladu, že sa nevyrábajú žiadne formy na kontrolu racionálnosti vzhľadu alebo štruktúry.. Rýchle prototypovanie sa v súčasnosti nazýva aj prispôsobené vzorky na rôznych miestach.
Kategória: rapídne prototypovanie
Tagy: CNC obrábanie, CNC frézovanie, rapídne prototypovanie
Prototyp je jeden alebo viac funkčných prototypov vyrobených podľa výkresov vzhľadu produktu alebo štrukturálnych výkresov za predpokladu, že sa nevyrábajú žiadne formy na kontrolu racionálnosti vzhľadu alebo štruktúry.. Rýchle prototypovanie sa v súčasnosti nazýva aj prispôsobené vzorky na rôznych miestach.
There are three common prototype processing methods: CNC obrábanie, 3d printing and vacuum complex mold. The needs of customers are different, and the processing methods used are also different. The prototype factory will select the appropriate processing method according to the specific situation of the customer. v skutočnosti, some customers will ask us to calculate the price of the three processing methods when customizing the prototype. The three processing methods have their own advantages and different costs, so the prices are also completely different!
Usually products that have just been developed or designed need to be prototyped. The prototype is the first step to verify the feasibility of the product. It is the most direct and effective way to find out the defects of the designed product, so as to make targeted improvements to the defects, until the shortcomings cannot be found from individual prototype samples. At this point, it is usually necessary to conduct a small batch trial production to find out the shortcomings in the batch and improve it. The designed products are generally not perfect, or even unusable. Once they are directly produced, they will all be scrapped, which greatly wastes manpower, material resources and time; The prototype is generally a small number of samples, the production cycle is short, the waste of manpower and material resources is small, and the shortcomings of the product design are quickly found and improved, which provides a sufficient basis for product finalization and mass production.
Prototype classification
Prototypes are divided by production method
Prototypes can be divided into manual prototypes and CNC prototypes according to the production methods:
(1) Manual prototype: The main workload is done by hand. Manual prototype is divided into abs prototype and sludge prototype
(2) CNC prototype: Its main workload is completed by CNC machine tools.
According to the different equipment used, it can be divided into laser rapid prototyping (sla) prototype, machining center (CNC) prototype, and RP prototype (3D tlač).
A: RP prototype: mainly produced by 3D printing technology. The prototype made by laser rapid prototyping is commonly called sla prototype, but laser rapid prototyping is one of 3D printing.
B: CNC prototypes: mainly prototypes produced by CNC machining centers.
The RP prototype has its own advantages compared with the CNC prototype:
The advantages of the RP prototype are mainly reflected in its rapidity, but it is mainly formed by stacking technology, so the RP prototype is generally relatively rough. And there are certain requirements for the wall thickness of the product, napríklad, if the wall thickness is too thin, it cannot be produced.
The advantage of CNC prototype is that it can reflect the information expressed in drawings very accurately, and the surface quality of CNC prototype is high. Especially after the surface spraying and silk printing are completed, it is even more radiant than the products produced after processing the mold. Preto, CNC prototype manufacturing has increasingly become the mainstream of prototype manufacturing.
Prototypes are divided by materials used
According to the materials used in production, prototypes can be divided into plastic prototypes, silicone prototypes, and metal prototypes:
(1) Plastový prototyp: The raw material is plastic, mainly the prototype of some plastic products. Such as televisions, monitors, telephones, atď.
(2) Silica gel prototype: Its raw material is silica gel, which is mainly a prototype showing the appearance of product design. Such as cars, mobile phones, toys, ručné práce, daily necessities and so on.
(3) Metal prototype: Its raw materials are metal materials such as aluminum and magnesium alloy, mainly prototypes of some high-end products. Such as notebook computers, advanced single players, MP3 players, CD players and so on.
The necessity of prototyping
Check the design of the product
The prototype is not only visible, but also touchable. It can directly reflect the designer's creativity in the form of objects, avoiding the disadvantage of "drawing it looks good but making it not good". Preto, prototyping is essential in the process of new product development and product shape deliberation.
Check the structure design of the product
Because the prototype is assembleable, it can intuitively reflect the reasonableness of the structure and the ease of installation. It is convenient to find and solve problems early.
Reduce the risk of molds that directly process products
As the cost of mold manufacturing is generally high, relatively large molds are worth hundreds of thousands or even millions. If unreasonable structure or other problems are found in the process of producing molds, the loss can be imagined. Prototyping can avoid this loss and reduce the risk of mold opening.
Launch products in advance
Due to the advanced nature of prototype production, the company can use prototypes for product promotion before molds are developed, and even pre-sales and production preparations to occupy the market early.
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Prototyp ovládacej skrinky autobatérie z hliníkovej zliatiny
kategória produktu: Aluminum Prototype
Product name: Customized outer box of new energy vehicle battery
Processing method: CNC processing of aluminum alloy cavity
Material: aluminum alloy
Surface treatment: leštenie a odhrotovanie, surface sandblasting
Processing cycle: 3-7 seven working days
Testing standard: 3D drawings provided by the customer
Data format: STP/IGS/X.T/PRO
Product features: jemný povrch, vysoký lesk, jemné spracovanie, leštenie a odhrotovanie, povrchové pieskovanie
Prototyp CNC obrábania & Služba výroby dielov
Čo je CNC obrábanie?
Spracovanie numerického riadenia znamená, že riadiaci systém vydáva pokyny, aby nástroj vykonával rôzne pohyby, ktoré spĺňajú požiadavky. Vo forme číslic a písmen predstavujú tvar a veľkosť obrobku a ďalšie technické požiadavky a požiadavky na spracovanie spracovania. Všeobecne sa vzťahuje na proces spracovania dielov na CNC obrábacích strojoch.
Služby CNC frézovania v Číne
CNC frézovanie je výrobný proces, v ktorom vopred naprogramovaný počítačový softvér diktuje pohyb výrobných nástrojov a strojov. Rýchle prototypy alebo výrobné diely – Máme správne možnosti CNC frézovania pre vaše potreby výroby plastových alebo kovových dielov. Metódu možno použiť na riadenie množstva zložitých strojov, od brúsok a sústruhov až po frézy a frézky. S CNC frézovaním, úlohy trojrozmerného rezania je možné vykonávať v rámci jednej sady výziev.
Frézka a technológia frézovania
Frézovanie sa vzťahuje na použitie rotujúcich viachranných nástrojov na rezanie obrobkov, a je to vysoko efektívny spôsob spracovania. Pri práci, nástroj sa otáča (robí hlavný pohyb), a obrobok sa pohybuje (posuvný pohyb). Obrobok môže byť tiež fixovaný, ale musí sa pohybovať aj rotujúci nástroj (na dokončenie hlavného pohybu a pohybu posuvu súčasne). Obrábacie stroje používané na frézovanie sú horizontálne frézky alebo vertikálne frézky, ako aj veľké portálové frézky. Tieto obrábacie stroje môžu byť bežné obrábacie stroje alebo CNC obrábacie stroje. Ako rezný nástroj použite rotačnú frézu. Frézovanie sa vo všeobecnosti vykonáva na frézke alebo vyvrtávačke. Vhodné na spracovanie roviny, drážky, rôzny tvarovací povrch (kvetinový kľúč, ozubené koleso a závit) a špeciálne tvarovaný povrch formy a podobne.