ABS / výroba prototypov plastových robotov

Škrupina dezinfekčného robota, hliadkový robot, robot na meranie teploty, zametací robot, mobilný predajný robot, robot na rozvoz jedla, servisný robot, inteligentný dopravný robot, dezinfekčný robot, zdravotnícky agv manipulačný robot, agv robot, robot na dodávanie liekov, zdravotnícky pooperačný transportný robot Shell prototyp CNC obrábanie

Škrupina dezinfekčného robota, hliadkový robot, robot na meranie teploty, zametací robot, mobilný predajný robot, robot na rozvoz jedla, servisný robot, inteligentný dopravný robot, dezinfekčný robot, zdravotnícky agv manipulačný robot, agv robot, robot na dodávanie liekov, zdravotnícky pooperačný transportný robot Shell prototyp CNC obrábanie

Kategória: Robot prototype CNC machining
Meno Produktu: Prototype production of disinfection robot shell
Spôsob spracovania: cnc spracovanie
Materiál: abs/plastic
Povrchová úprava: odihlovanie, vstrekovanie oleja, UV, sieťotlač
Cyklus spracovania: 3-7 sedem pracovných dní
Testovací štandard: 3D výkresy poskytnuté zákazníkom
Formát údajov: STP/IGS/X.T/PRO
Vlastnosti produktu: environmentally-friendly abs material (in line with medical standards), high production accuracy, UV appearance, bright gloss, novel and unique design, and beautiful appearance.

With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, robots have been widely used in various industries. Napríklad: the front desk consultation robot, the food delivery robot, the electronic communication industry and so on. Some robot manufacturers need to make a prototype to verify the feasibility of the product when developing new products.

Last year we helped a customer to make a large robot prototype. Customers find us through the Internet. At the beginning, customers didn't really believe that we could do this product well. During the negotiation, we showed our customers the video of our company. After watching the video, we felt that our company is very large-scale and professional. We also sent some pictures of robot-related products we have made for customers' reference. To make customers believe that we can do their products well, the following is the rendering of the robot prototype processing we helped customers make:

Prototyp robota

Prototyp robota

Robot's rapid prototyping process

Robot's rapid prototyping process

Robot prototype cost and unit price

Robot prototype cost and unit price

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