technológia frézovania, Prototypová technológia

CNC obrábanie medenej elektródy

Medená elektróda EDM stroja
CNC obrábanie medenej elektródy

CNC obrábanie medenej elektródy

The copper electrode of the EDM machine, Also known as CNC machining of copper electrode mirror. It is an indispensable part in the processing of EDM machine.
Počas EDM obrábania, medená elektróda a obrobok sú pripojené k dvom pólom impulzného napájania. Pulzné napätie aplikované na medenú elektródu a obrobok generuje iskrový výboj. Okamžitá teplota výboja môže byť až 10,000 stupne Celzia, a vysoká teplota spôsobuje, že povrch obrobku sa čiastočne odparí alebo roztaví.

Medená elektróda EDM stroja

Medená elektróda EDM stroja

Immediately after the next pulse voltage, a spark discharge is generated between the copper electrode and the workpiece, and the above process is repeated.
Through countless repetitive pulse discharges, a shape corresponding to the shape of the electrode is finally processed. Preto, as long as the shape of the copper electrode is changed, various complicated profiles can be processed.
In EDM machining, the role of the copper electrode is to transmit processing pulses and to remove the workpiece with the minimum loss of the copper electrode itself. Commonly used electrode materials are copper, graphite, copper-tungsten alloy, silver-tungsten alloy, oceľ, mosadz, liatina, atď.

Mirror copper electrode

Mirror copper electrode

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