CNC Milling is a process where a milling tool cuts away the material in a rotary motion. It allows manufacturers to shape raw materials into specific forms, creating components with desired dimensions and geometries. Milling machines can also achieve extremely tight tolerances and high precision.

CNC Boring Workshop

CNC vyvrtávací obrobok vyvrtávacieho stroja

The processing of CNC boring machine is mainly a machine tool that uses a boring tool to boring holes on the workpiece. Zvyčajne, the rotation of the boring tool is the main motion, and the movement of the boring tool or the workpiece is the feed motion. Its machining accuracy and surface quality are higher than those of drilling machines. CNC boring machine is the main equipment for processing large box and shell parts.

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Služby CNC obrábania pre horizontálne frézky a vyvrtávačky

Dodávateľ vyvrtávačiek a frézovania presných komponentov

Nudné, frézovanie je proces rezania vnútorného priemeru, pri ktorom sa nástroj používa na zväčšenie otvoru alebo iného kruhového obrysu. Jeho použitie vo všeobecnosti siaha od polohrubovania až po konečnú úpravu, a používané nástroje sú zvyčajne jednobřité vyvrtávacie nástroje (nazývané nudné barové nástroje).

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Turning and milling of hollow parts

Turning and Milling Hollow Parts Clamping

Unlike normal workpiece turning and milling operations, the clamping of thin-walled hollow workpieces requires the use of a chuck with low distortion and safety. When turning thin-walled hollow parts, clamping distortion can cause the specified tolerance range to be exceeded and the workpiece to become scrap. The choice of chuck is therefore very important. Balanced clamping jaws offer the advantage that, with an optimum arrangement of the clamping points, the deformation of the workpiece can be reduced to 10% of the original deformation, while the clamping force of the chuck remains constant.

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