5-технология обработки осей, технология фрезерования, Технология прототипа

Преимущества 5-осевых станков

5-осевая обработка 28 части за раз
5-осевая обработка 28 части за раз

5-осевая обработка 28 части за раз

5-осевая обработка 28 части за раз
5-одновременная обработка по осям 28 части
Как реализовать преимущества пятиосного станка? Вот пример станка Haas UMC-750P, который обрабатывает 28 части одновременно. Благодаря конструкции проигрывателя и приспособления, и три поверхности обработки детали объединяются в одну программу обработки в программе пятиосной обработки., цель сокращения времени цикла достигается.

The turntable can expand the original processing space through precise positioning. The well-designed fixtures can not only improve the processing efficiency, but also reduce the idleness of the machine, and the operator can reduce a lot of work.

Например, to process the first three faces of the parts shown in the figure below, if the clamping method of the vise is used, a total of 264 seconds are required for each part (the clamping time is not counted).

By designing a more compact fixture and making full use of the processing space provided by the turntable, it has the opportunity to process 28 части за раз.

In the production of fixtures: Choose an aluminum alloy with a size of 114mm*114mm*550mm as the base. Use positioning pins for positioning, and use compression fixtures that take up less processing space for faster clamping.

Then mill the four faces of the base body, and machine a positioning pin hole for each part, two grooves for avoiding empty locking fixtures, and two threaded holes for locking. This is all the production steps.

The complete set of fixtures includes: 28 positioning pins, 56 positioning locking blocks (reusable), 56 screws and wrenches. This fixture design can shorten the original processing time from 264 seconds to 202 seconds (not counting the clamping time). This means that the processing time has been reduced by 23.5%

Not only that, because the machining program has merged the three machining surfaces of the part into one CNC machining program. Таким образом, the cycle time of a single program becomes 95 минуты. During this period, the machine has been maintaining processing without waiting for the operator’s frequent clamping, which will greatly reduce the labor intensity of the operator.

Compact fixture designed for 5-axis machining

Compact fixture designed for 5-axis machining

Compact fixture designed for 5-axis machining

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