In the processing of large horizontal lathes, the constant-distance ripples and chaotic ripples often occur repeatedly. How to solve this annoying problem? Please listen to the KANGDING technicians to help you.
Tendo em vista a ocorrência repetida de ondulações de passo em grandes tornos horizontais durante o torneamento. A possível razão é que a folga da engrenagem de transmissão do sistema de alimentação é anormal ou danificada. A solução é muito simples, apenas corrija a lacuna. Às vezes, a folga entre a placa de pressão nos lados longitudinais da placa deslizante grande e o trilho-guia da cama é muito grande, e a ondulação de distância fixa aparece repetidamente, e é suficiente ajustar a lacuna adequadamente. If the polished rod is bent, the coaxiality between the hole supporting the polished rod and the polished rod is too poor, or the rod is not parallel to the bed rail, it will cause the fixed distance wave to appear. Neste momento, straighten up and adjust the parallelism.
Large-scale horizontal lathes often have various problems in turning processing: Por exemplo, the roundness is out of tolerance, the end face perpendicularity and the flatness are out of tolerance, etc.. Here is how to solve such problems.
The out-of-roundness situation in the machining of the horizontal large lathe may be related to the following three situations: One is that the matching screws of the chuck flange and the spindle are loose, or the chuck positioning surface is loose. The solution is to re-tighten. The second is that the bearing clearance of the main shaft is large, the matching clearance between the outer diameter of the main shaft sleeve and the box body is large, or the roundness of the main shaft journal is out of tolerance. Nesse caso, the clearance should be readjusted or the main journal should be ground. The third is that the wall of the workpiece hole is thin and the clamping is deformed. Workers can use plastic clamps or reserve process heads for easy clamping.

Grandes peças giratórias
The cylindricity is poor, and there are many reasons for this.
1. The blank is bent. Nesse caso, only need to be straightened.
2. There is a problem that the axis of the lathe spindle and the guide surface of the bed are not parallel in the horizontal plane;
3. The front and back tops are not equal in height or the center is shifted;
If the top tightening force is improper, the problem of poor cylindricity will also occur. Workers should adjust the clamping force or switch to elastic top clamps.
In addition to the four reasons listed above, there are many reasons that can cause poor cylindricity in horizontal large lathe machining. Insufficient clamping rigidity of the workpiece can also cause this problem. Workers need to change the front and rear top clamping to chuck, top clamping, or use tool holders, colchetes, etc.. to increase the machining rigidity of the workpiece. The tool is worn out in one feed or the tool shaft is too thin, causing the tool to give way. Workers should reduce the turning speed, improve the wear resistance of the tool and increase the rigidity of the tool holder; When turning stress and turning heat produce deformation, the stress should be eliminated, the turning speed and feed rate should be increased as much as possible, the cutting thickness should be reduced, the turning process should be performed multiple times, and the cooling and lubrication should be strengthened; Too much distance between the tip of the tool and the support of the tool post can also cause this problem. Just reduce the distance appropriately.