CNC 터닝 기술

원통형 부품의 터닝 및 밀링 복합 가공

원통형 부품의 복합 가공

Cylindrical parts with milling features on compound corners or multiple faces are very common. A factory that provides services for large-scale equipment and oil companies, and produces parts that require precise 5-axis contour machining and finishing. B-axis machine tools are usually used to manufacture slotted shafts, and to machine grooves and cuts on compound angles. Such factories also use B-axis machine tools to process complex polyhedrons, such as tool bodies and tool holders.

The size of the parts processed by the B-axis machine tool is various. It can process watch gears as small as 0.04 직경 인치, or metal castings as large as 20 직경 인치.

고객의 다양한 가공 요구를 충족시키기 위해, Machine Tool Company는 B축이 장착된 Nakamura Tome 기계의 두 가지 모델을 제공합니다.. STW-40 공작기계는 표준 40개 스테이션 자동 공구 교환장치를 갖추고 크고 무거운 부품을 가공하도록 설계되었습니다.. 와 같은: 주조 및 단조품, 최대 공작물을 처리할 수 있습니다. 17 직경 인치. 하지만, 고객의 요구에 부응하여, Machine Tool Company는 이제 더 작은 B축 공작 기계 모델을 제공할 수 있습니다., 즉 NTJ (B축 터렛). The weight of this machine is only about half of the STW-40. The advantage is that it occupies a small area and is easy to maintain and operate compared to large-sized machine tools. NTJ is most suitable for machining smaller B-axis parts, such as joint tools up to 8 직경 인치.

Both of these models are equipped with a bar feed function, so it is possible to feed raw materials to the machine tool in a continuous flow method, and then perform B-axis cutting. 필요하다면, this processing can also be performed on part features equipped with compound angles. When evaluating parts and bar feed options, the factory should consider the size of the raw material. Although a large B-axis machine tool equipped with a bar feed function can handle larger bars, it is impractical to always load such specifications into the machine tool. Because bars are generally relatively long (up to 12 feet is not uncommon), human or robot lifting may be too heavy. Large materials are also difficult to cut, especially in cutting bars.

원통형 부품의 복합 가공

원통형 부품의 복합 가공

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