밀링 기술

CNC 평면 드릴링 머신 가공 구멍

CNC 평면 드릴링 머신 가공 구멍

홀 가공의 전통적인 방법은 먼저 더 나은 마킹과 위치 지정을 통해 이루어집니다., 그런 다음 위치 튜브 시트 등을 고정. on a vise, and drilling the hole with a radial drill. For large apertures, or even products that have to undergo two procedures of punching and reaming. The hole processing of the CNC plane drilling machine has changed the traditional processing mode. 요즘에는, the processing of chemical flanges, heat exchangers, tube sheet parts, 등. is mainly CNC drilling machines. Compared with the traditional hole processing method, the use of CNC plane drilling machine is reflected in the following aspects:

(1) The CNC plane drilling machine eliminates the step of manual marking. The traditional method of hole processing and positioning mainly involves skilled workers marking and positioning at designated locations according to the requirements of the drawings, and drilling positioning holes with electric drills or magnetic drills. This has large errors and low efficiency. 하지만, when drilling on a CNC plane drilling machine, you only need to input the required drilling position and the number of holes into the computer, or input the correct CAD design drawing. The photoelectric edge finder device can find three points on the workpiece at will to realize the automatic continuous large-aperture processing of the drilling power head. The operation is very convenient, high precision and stable.

(2) Advantages of CNC drilling machines in processing large-aperture holes. The traditional large-aperture hole processing needs to go through the steps of scribing, positioning, 교련, and reaming. The CNC plane drilling machine is characterized by fully automatic CNC positioning for processing large-aperture holes. Large-aperture holes are processed and formed at one time without secondary reaming.

(3) In terms of machining accuracy, there are many uncertainties in artificial hole machining. The error is large, it is difficult to assemble, and when the error is too large, the workpiece will be scrapped and the enterprise will be lost. The processing method of the plane drilling machine adopts numerical control positioning and precision machining, and the positioning accuracy of the hole can reach +0.08mm, which can meet the processing requirements.

(4) In terms of processing efficiency. Artificial hole processing not only has low precision, but also low efficiency, and the processing procedures are cumbersome. Using the fully automatic CNC machining method of the gantry mobile CNC drilling machine, the drilling efficiency can be increased by 5-10 타임스, which can greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve the labor environment, and improve the quality and accuracy of products.

CNC 평면 드릴링 머신 가공 구멍

CNC 평면 드릴링 머신 가공 구멍


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