


Surface treatment technology and function of CNC machined parts, 表面仕上げコスト
各製品ごとに, CNC機械加工コンポーネントに特有の表面処理を実行できます。. しかし, 製品の表面仕上げにより、対応するコストが増加する傾向があります.
一部の表面処理, ハイポリッシュなど, 機械加工プロセスの痕跡を除去することを目的としています.



印刷することで, 製品完成後に文字や模様を印刷することができます。.
一部の表面処理は、製品を長持ちさせるために重要な役割を果たします. これらには亜鉛メッキが含まれます, 陽極酸化された, そしてブラシをかけられた.

一部の企業では、製品に異なる仕上げを組み合わせることが許可されている場合があります。. 例えば, レーザーエッチングされた光沢のある研磨面を得ることができるかもしれません, これにはもっと費用がかかるかもしれませんが.

Finishing of aluminum alloy parts

Finishing of aluminum alloy parts

What is CNC machining surface finish and finishing?

CNC machining surface finish can be divided into:
Oxidation processing,
Paint processing,
Wire drawing,
Oil spraying,
Pad printing,
Metal corrosion processing

1. Oxidation processing: When the price of the CNC machining suppliers produces finished CNC machining parts (mainly aluminum CNC machining parts), it uses an oxidation process to harden the surface of the CNC machining product and make it difficult to wear.

2. Spray paint processing: The CNC Service Company uses spray paint processing when producing large CNC precision machining parts. Spray paint processing prevents CNC machining components from rusting, 日用品などの, electrical cabinets, crafts, 等.

3. 電気めっき: Electroplating is also the most common processing technology for CNC machining part processing. The surface of the CNC machined components is galvanized using modern technology to ensure that it will not mold or rub off with prolonged use. The standard processing of electroplating includes screws, プレス部品, cells, 自動車部品, 小さなアクセサリー, 等.



4. Polished: Use polishing materials for polishing, wax polishing, copper water rub, 等, for manual polishing. Polish the sharp corners on a smooth face so as not to cause harm to the human body during use.

5. Brushing: Draw some strokes on the surface of aluminum or steel parts or other products to make the sample feel better. Plastic wire drawing is usually sprayed with a thick coat of paint and then processed by this process. The effect is worse than that of metal CNC aluminum machining parts. The texture is worse than metal parts.

6. サンドブラスト: There is a lot of residual plastic in the computer gong sample, which is very difficult to manipulate manually, especially when there are many holes or multiple buckles, which is very time consuming.

So use a sandblasting machine. The residual plastic falls off. Aluminum CNC machining parts or other metal parts are knife lines that can cover the surface. Some customers also require sandblasting and then oxidation to give the body a robust, grainy metal texture.

The sand is delicate glass beads, distinguished by patterns (例えば, No. 60 is coarse sand and No. 200 is fine apple sand)

7. Oil injection: spray the products we have manufactured according to customer requirements. Our site is a dust-free oil injection room and the best oil is used. (Injection can be sprayed with rubber oil, gloss varnish, Light semi-matte, matte, baking and different paint colors)


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