- スタンピングダイ 0
- チタン合金部品 4
- ステンレス鋼部品 5
- アルミフライス部品 14
- CNC旋削サービス 16
- CNCフライス加工サービス 31
- CNCスタンピングサービス 0
- CNC板金 0
- ラピッドプロトタイピング 12
CNC旋盤加工は精密ハードウェア部品のハイテク加工方法です. 様々な材質の加工が可能です: 316, 304 ステンレス鋼, 炭素鋼, 合金鋼, 合金アルミニウム, 亜鉛合金, チタン合金, 銅, 鉄, プラスチック, アクリル, POM, UHWMおよびその他の原材料. 四角や丸の複雑な構造にも加工可能.
Turning refers to lathe processing, which is a part of mechanical processing. Lathe processing mainly uses turning tools for precision turning of rotating parts. Lathes are mainly used for machining shafts, ディスク, sleeves and other rotating or non-rotating parts with a rotating surface. It is the most widely used type of machine tool processing equipment in machinery manufacturing and repair factories.
CNC旋盤加工は精密ハードウェア部品のハイテク加工方法です. 様々な材質の加工が可能です: 316, 304 ステンレス鋼, 炭素鋼, 合金鋼, 合金アルミニウム, 亜鉛合金, チタン合金, 銅, 鉄, プラスチック, アクリル, POM, UHWMおよびその他の原材料. 四角や丸の複雑な構造にも加工可能.
Technical problems of CNC turning
Turning processing is one of the most widely used in the machine manufacturing industry. The number of lathes is large, the staff is large, the processing range is wide, and the tools and fixtures used are numerous. したがって, the safety technology of CNC turning processing is particularly important. Its key tasks are as follows:
1. Damage from cutting chips and protective measures. The steel materials of various parts processed on the lathe have good toughness, and the chips produced during turning are full of plastic curl and have sharp edges. During high-speed cutting of steel parts, red hot and long chips are formed, which are very easy to hurt people. 同時に, it is often wound on the workpiece, turning tool and tool holder. したがって, iron hooks should be used to clean or pull out in time during work, and stop to clean when necessary, but never remove or pull off by hand. In order to prevent chip damage, chip breaking, chip flow control measures and various protective baffles are often taken. The chip breaking measure is to grind chip breakers or steps on the turning tool; Use appropriate chip breakers and mechanical clamping tools.
2, Clamping of the workpiece.
In the process of turning, there are many accidents caused by improper clamping of the workpiece: such as damage to the machine tool, broken or broken tool, and the workpiece falling or flying out of the accident. したがって, in order to ensure the safe production of turning processing, special attention must be paid when clamping the workpiece. Choose suitable fixtures for parts of different sizes and shapes. Regardless of the three-jaw, four-jaw chuck or special fixture and the main shaft connection must be stable and reliable. The workpiece should be clamped and clamped, and the sleeve can be used for clamping large workpieces. Ensure that the workpiece does not shift, fall off, or throw out when the workpiece is rotated at high speed and subjected to cutting force. 必要であれば, use top clamps, center frames, 等. to enhance clamping. Remove the handle immediately after the card is tightened.
3. Safe operation of lathe.
Before working, check the machine tool thoroughly and confirm it is good before use. The clamping of the workpiece and the tool ensures the correct position, firmness and reliability. During the machining process, the equipment must be stopped when changing tools, loading and unloading workpieces, and measuring workpieces. Do not touch the workpiece or wipe it with cotton silk when rotating. It is necessary to select the cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth appropriately, and no overload processing is allowed. Workpieces, fixtures and other sundries must not be placed on the top of the lathe, the tool rest, and the bed. When using a file, move the turning tool to a safe position, with your right hand in front and your left hand in the back to prevent the sleeves of your clothes from getting caught. The machine tool must have a dedicated person responsible for use and maintenance, and other personnel must not use it.
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大型アルミニウム合金キャビティの CNC 加工
製品カテゴリ: aluminum alloy machining prototype
Product name: large cavity prototype
Processing method: cnc finishing
Material: aluminum alloy
Surface treatment: 研磨, バリ取り, oxidation
Processing cycle: 3-7 seven working days
Testing standard: 3D drawings provided by the customer
Data format: STP/IGS/X.T/PRO
Product features: 滑らかな表面, 高光沢, 素晴らしい仕上がり, 明るい銀色
当社はあらゆる業界向けにあらゆる精密自動旋盤加工部品をカスタマイズしております。, 特にエレクトロニクス産業. 現在のところ, 世界中の多くの有名企業のために何百もの製品が開発されています. 研究開発の豊富な経験を持っています.
主な材質: アルミニウム, 銅, ステンレス鋼, チタン, 合金, 鋼鉄, 鉄, 炭素鋼, マグネシウム, プラスチック, acrylic
In addition to automatic lathes, 補助装置があります: 卓上旋盤, ボール盤, フライス盤 (溝入れ機), タッピングマシン, 圧延機, 等, 自動旋盤加工部品のより多くの工程を完了できます.
左は一般的な自動旋盤の旋削部分です: 射出成形に使用される埋め込みナット
OEM 304 ステンレス旋削精密部品
当社はSUS303を生産しております, 304, SUS400シリーズ, 316各種仕様・サイズのFステンレス製精密旋削部品・旋盤部品.
ステンレス鋼製ねじ付き回転部品, ステップとフライス六角エッジはSUS303ステンレス鋼製, ねじ仕様 M4,
最大外径 (つまり、ヘッドの直径): 10んん, total length 38mm
Features: アキシャル正面フライス六角, 大きな回転量, 高精度, 自動旋盤で半製品を完成させます + 油圧フライス盤フライス六角面 + ねじ転造機転造. 有名な電化製品の締め付けや調整に使用される回転部品です。.