
CNC Milling Parts Supplier

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

What is milling? What is the process of milling? What parts can be machined by CNC milling? What precision can China mill parts achieve?

What is milling?

What is milling?

CNC milled parts
How are CNC milled parts manufactured?
CNC milled parts are machined on CNC milling machines with the help of rotating tools. CNC milling machines with different degrees of freedom of movement are used: 3-軸, 4-axis and 5-axis milling machines.
3-axis milling machines can only machine CNC milled parts from one accessibility direction. They are cheaper than the other types of milling machines. 4-axis milling machines have an additional axis of rotation for the milled part, for example for the production of spindles and other helical geometries. 5-axis milling machines can machine CNC milled parts from all sides, depending on the clamping, and also produce complex geometries.
With our supplier network, we can manufacture a wide range of CNC milled parts for a wide variety of requirements.
We specialize in CNC machining, our automatic price calculation is constantly being expanded and currently covers components with the following properties.
Milling consists mainly of cutting the material that is machined with a rotary tool with several edges, called teeth, lips or carbide inserts, which executes programmed advance movements of the worktable in almost any direction of the three Possible axes on which the table where the part to be machined is fixed can be moved.

With the increasing use of numerical control milling machines, the milling operations that can be carried out with this type of machine are increasing, and thus milling has become a multipurpose machining method. The development of the tools has also contributed to create new possibilities of milling in addition to considerably increasing the productivity, quality and accuracy of the operations carried out.

Our manufacturing options for CNC milled parts

Component dimensions from 2 mm x 2 mm x 2 んん
Component dimensions up to 3,000 mm x 2,000 バツ 200 んん
Larger components on request
Production up to an accuracy of 5 μm
1 – 1,000 pieces via the online shop, larger quantities on request
3-軸, 4-axis and 5-axis milling
Surface quality up to a mean roughness value of Ra 0.4
Components with free-form surfaces
CNC milled parts made from over 40 材料
20 heat and surface treatments

cnc milling parts

cnc milling parts

Milling tools

The milling tools are characterized by their outside diameter, the number of teeth, the pitch of the teeth (understood as the distance between two consecutive teeth) and the fastening system of the cutter on the machine.

Types of milling

In the universal milling machines using the appropriate accessories or in the numerical control milling machines the following Planning can be carried out.
The most frequent application of milling is face milling that aims to achieve flat surfaces. For the face milling milling cutters with interchangeable carbide inserts are generally used, there is a very varied range of diameters of these mills and the number of inserts that each milling cutter mounts. インサートメーカーは、最初のオプションとして丸型インサートの使用、または代わりに 45 度の角度を使用することを推奨しています。.
四角フライス加工. スクエアミリングは正面フライス加工の一種で、加工する部品に垂直な段差を残すことから成ります。. このために, 四角いインサートが使用され、適切な方法でツールホルダーに配置されます。.

キューブミリング. 立方体化操作は垂直または水平フライス盤で非常に一般的であり、金属ダボや大理石や花崗岩などのその他の材料を後続の操作に適した立方体寸法に準備することから構成されます。. このフライス加工は、交換式インサート正面フライスカッターでも行われます。.

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

カットミーリング. One of the initial machining operations that must be carried out often consists of cutting the pieces to the determined length starting from commercial bars and profiles of a greater length. Band saws or milling machines equipped with cylindrical cutters are used interchangeably for industrial cutting of parts. What is significant about cutting burs is that they can be made of high-speed steel or hard metal. They are characterized by being very thin (on the order of 3 んん, although it may vary), having a large diameter and very fine teeth. An example of the characteristics of a cutter would be the following: diameter of 200 んん, thickness of 3 んん, diameter of the hole of 32 mm and 128 歯: Fine 128, Coarse 64.

Straight Grooving Milling. For milling straight grooves, cylindrical cutters with the width of the groove are generally used and often, 生産量を増やすために, カッターシャフトに複数のカッターが取り付けられており、加工の生産性が向上します。. 円柱状のイチゴが数個集まったものをイチゴ列または複合イチゴといいます。. 円筒バーは3つの切れ刃を持つのが特徴です。: 正面と両側. 超硬バーは非常に高価であり、したがって非常に大規模な生産でのみ使用されるため、高速度鋼バーがほとんどの用途で使用されます。.

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

溝に適した形状のバーを使用, T字型にすることができます, ダブテール, 等.

キー溝溝入れ. ハンドル付きの円筒形イチゴ, 俗語でバレリーナとして知られる, 軸に垂直な方向と平行な方向の両方に切断できるものを使用します。.

倣い加工におけるフライス加工. Round insert profile cutters are used for copy milling in order to be able to carry out machining operations in orographies and profiles of changing faces. There are two types of copy cutters: those with a half ball profile and those with a round or toric edge.

Cavity milling. In this type of operation, it is advisable to carry out a prior drilling and from there and with suitable milling cutters, approach the cavity machining, bearing in mind that the radii of the cavity must be at least 15% greater than the radius of the milling cutter.

Lathe-milling. This type of machining uses circular interpolation in numerical control milling machines and is used for both precision hole turning and external turning. The process combines the rotation of the workpiece and the milling tool, 円筒面の実現が可能. この表面は部品の回転中心線に対して同心であってもよい, または、フライス加工が上下に移動すると偏心する可能性があります. 軸方向の変位により、必要な長さを実現することが可能.

ねじ切り加工. ねじ切りフライス加工には、2 つの自由度で同時にヘリカル補間を実行できるフライス盤が必要です: ねじ山の螺旋の軸に対する部品の回転と、その軸の方向への部品の並進.

正面フライス加工. フライス加工を正面から攻撃する円筒状の螺旋バーを使用して実行されるフライス加工で構成されます。. 非常に高速での作業を可能にする数値制御フライス盤では、完全一体型超硬バーがますます使用されています。.

歯車フライス加工. 仕切り板を使用した万能フライス盤では歯車加工はほとんど行われなくなりました, ただし、歯車ホブ盤と呼ばれる特別な機械と、適切な歯モジュールの特別なフライスを使用して行われます。.

掘削, リーミングとボーリング. これらの作業は通常、工具マガジンを備えた数値制御フライス盤で、それぞれの場合に適切な工具を使用して実行されます。.

ほぞ穴加工. 穴にキー溝を加工することで構成されます, for which broaching machines are used or a special accessory that is attached to the universal milling machine head and transforms the rotation movement into an alternative vertical movement.

Ramp milling. It is a common type of milling in the machining of molds that is done either with copier milling machines or with numerical control milling cutters.

How does the CNC milling machine work?

The introduction of computerized numerical control (CNC) has exponentially expanded the applications of industrial machines through the programmable automation of production and the achievement of movements impossible to carry out manually, such as circles, diagonal lines and other more complicated figures that allow the manufacture of parts with highly complex profiles. This also translates into the optimization of many essential variables of any manufacturing process: productivity, precision, safety, speed, repeatability, flexibility and reduction of waste.

The multiplicity of milling machines that exist today has comfortably expanded into the proliferation of their CNC-equipped peers. 実際には, there are also special kits to transform old milling machines into a CNC milling machine.

基本的に, the CNC milling machines are very similar to the conventional ones and have the same moving parts, あれは, the table, the cutting head, the spindle and the side and cross slide carriages. しかし, they do not have levers or cranks to operate these moving parts, むしろ、コントロールでいっぱいのパネルに挿入されたスクリーンと、モーターと同じ作業を実行することになっているモーターの動作を制御する電気および電子コンポーネントを収容する金属ボックスです。. 古い機械のレバーとクランク. これらのコンポーネントの中には CNC があります。, これは、対応するソフトウェアを通じて主にフライス盤の動きを担当するコンピュータです。. 電子機器と駆動モーターまたはサーボモーターの組み合わせにより、あらゆる可能なフライス加工作業を実現できます。.

CNCによる動作制御を理解する, 従来のフライス盤がどのように動作するかを簡単に説明します。.

この図は一般的なフライス盤を概略的に示しています. このタイプの機械では, the cranks actuate the moving parts manually so that the cutting tool (milling cutter) moves linearly in at least three axes, which are called main axes:

X axis: horizontal and parallel to the clamping surface of the part. It is associated with the movement in the longitudinal horizontal plane of the milling table.

Y axis: forms a direct direction trihedron with the X and Z axes. It is associated with the movement in the horizontal transverse plane of the milling table.

Z axis: where the cutter is mounted, it is the one that has the cutting power and can adopt different positions according to the possibilities of the head. It is associated with the vertical displacement of the machine head.

If the milling machine has a fixed table, these three movements are executed by the spindle.

しかし, より複雑な部品のフライス加工には、直線的な軌道だけでなく、より多くの軸が必要になることは明らかです。, でもロータリーも. この時点で CNC の概念が登場します。, 独立して制御され、回転テーブルの動きによって決定される多数の相補的な軸が発生します。 / または調整可能なヘッド. これにより、さまざまな平面やアプローチ角度による部品の加工を可能にするさまざまな機械モデルが誕生します。.

次の図に、CNC フライス盤とその基本コンポーネントと主要なコンポーネントの例を示します。 (バツ, Y, Z) そして補完的な (B, W) 軸.

1 – カラム
2 – ワーク
3 – フライステーブル, X 軸と Y 軸の移動あり
4 – 旋回
5 – スピンドルモーターを含むカッティングヘッド
6 – CNC制御盤
7 – クーラントホース
バツ, Y, Z – 主な移動軸
B – Complementary axis of rotary displacement of the cutting head
W – Complementary axis of longitudinal displacement of the cutting head

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

CNC フライス加工部品 フライス加工の種類

The main function of the CNC is to control the movements of the table, the transverse and longitudinal carriages and / or the spindle along their respective axes by means of numerical data. しかし, this is not all, because the control of these movements to achieve the desired final result requires the perfect adjustment and the correct synchronization between different devices and systems that are part of every CNC process. These include the main and complementary axes, the transmission system, the workpiece clamping systems and the tool changers, each of which presents its modalities and variables that must also be properly stipulated.

This rigorous control is carried out by software that is supplied with the milling machine and is based on one of the CNC numerical programming languages, such as ISO, HEIDENHAIN, Fagor, Fanuc, SINUMERIK and Siemens. This software contains numbers, letters and other symbols – 例えば, the G and M codesthat are encoded in an appropriate format to define an instruction program capable of carrying out a specific task. G codes are machine motion functions (rapid moves, フィード, radial feeds, pauses, cycles), while M codes are miscellaneous functions that are required for machining parts, but are not machine motion. (spindle start and stop, tool change, coolant, program stop, 等). From this it follows that to operate and program this type of machine requires basic knowledge in machining operations on conventional equipment, elementary knowledge of mathematics, technical drawing and handling of measuring instruments.

現在, the use of CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (コンピュータ支援製造) programs is an almost obligatory complement to any CNC machine, which is why, 一般的に, the manufacture of a part involves the combination of three types of software:

CAD: makes the design of the part.
カム: calculates the displacements of the axes for the machining of the part and adds the feed rates, rotation speeds and different cutting tools.
Control software (included with the machine): receives the instructions from the CAM and executes the orders to move the moving parts of the milling machine in accordance with these instructions.
The following video illustrates the manufacture of a part using CAD / カム:

CNC milling machines are specially adapted for milling profiles, cavities, surface contours and die cutting operations, フライステーブルの 2 つまたは 3 つの軸を同時に制御する必要がある場合. それでも, マシンの複雑さと実行されるプログラミングに応じて, CNCフライス盤は自動運転可能, 通常、オペレータはカッターを交換する必要があります, ワークの着脱も可能.

CNC フライス盤を日常的に使用する業界には自動車が含まれます。 (エンジンブロックの設計, 金型, およびその他のコンポーネント), 航空宇宙 (航空機タービン), そしてエレクトロニクス (金型と試作), 機械の製造だけでなく、, 計器および電気部品.


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