technologie de fraisage

Pièces de fraisage CNC ultra-précises

Technologie de fraisage ultra-précise

In the early 1960s, due to the gyroscopes used in aerospace, the drums and disks used in computers, and the polygonal prism parts used in optical scanning. Large-diameter non-circular curved mirror parts for high-power laser nuclear fusion devices, as well as stereoscopic mirrors for various complex shapes of infrared light, etc.. All kinds of mirrors and multi-faceted prism parts require extremely high precision, and they are processed by grinding, affûtage, polishing and other methods. Not only the processing cost is high, but it is also difficult to meet the requirements of accuracy and surface roughness. To this end, the research and development of the use of high-precision, high-rigidity machine tools and diamond tools for cutting and milling processing methods.

La découpe ultra-précise a commencé avec la technologie SPDT, qui est soutenu par des broches à roulement à air, toboggans pneumatiques, haute rigidité, outils de haute précision, commande de rétroaction, et contrôle de la température environnementale pour obtenir une rugosité de surface de niveau nanométrique. Les fraises au diamant sont principalement utilisées, qui sont largement utilisés dans le traitement des éléments optiques plats et asphériques en cuivre, plexiglas, produits en plastique (comme les objectifs d'appareil photo en plastique, lentilles de contact, etc.), céramiques et matériaux composites.

Ultra-precision cutting and milling technology is an advanced manufacturing technology developed to meet the needs of modern high-tech. Precision CNC machining is an indispensable key technology in the development of high-tech cutting-edge products, an important symbol of a country’s manufacturing level, and one of the indispensable key technologies for equipment modernization. Precision parts have very broad application prospects in military and civilian industries.
Schematic diagram of the finished optical component processed by SPDT
The parts of various shapes shown in the picture are deoxidized copper or aluminum alloy materials

Technologie de fraisage ultra-précise

Technologie de fraisage ultra-précise

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