Kategoria: Alumiiniseoksen prototyyppi / CNC-koneistuksen prototyyppi
Käsittelymenetelmä: CNC processing
Materiaali: alumiiniseos
Tuotteen nimi: Machining laser aluminum housing cavity
Brändi: Chinese KangDing prototype
Pintakäsittely: purseenpoisto
Käsittelyjakso: 3 -7 seitsemän työpäivää
Testausstandardi: 3Asiakkaan toimittamat D-piirustukset

CNC machining of aluminum alloy cavity prototype
High diffuse reflection laser cavity is mainly used for the production of pump cavity for solid and liquid laser devices. The structure adopts a tightly packed form, and uses a high-reflectivity diffuse reflection material as the reflector of the pump light source. Due to the design and structural characteristics of the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity, the energy of the pump light source is evenly distributed in the pump cavity, so that the laser material can absorb energy in a balanced manner. Thereby, the beam quality of the laser is greatly improved, the stability of the beam is improved, and the energy conversion efficiency is higher. In the choice of diffuse reflection materials for the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity, diffuse reflection materials with a reflectivity of nearly 100% käytetään, which have the characteristics of water repellency and long life, and slight pollution can be restored by cleaning. Compared with laser cavities of other structural forms, the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity also has the characteristics of relatively simple structure, halpa, convenient operation, maintenance and replacement.
Due to the extremely excellent performance of the highly diffuse reflection laser cavity, it has become an irreplaceable product for certain laser applications. It has been widely used in laser application fields such as scientific research, military, lääketieteellinen, industry, jne.

CNC milling laser cavity of aluminum alloy