Prismaattisten osien CNC-työstö

Prismaattisten osien sorvaus ja jyrsintä

Koneistuskeskus suorittaa useita prosesseja (kääntyminen, jyrsintä, poraus, tylsä, napauttamalla, jne.) ja prismaattisten osien monipuolinen komposiittikäsittely automaattisen työkalunvaihdon ja taulukon indeksoinnin avulla. Käytäntö on osoittanut, että komposiittityöstökeskus on todella hyödyllinen pitkän toimitusajan puutteiden ratkaisemisessa, alhainen resurssien käyttö, enemmän tuotteita prosessissa ja hidas pääoman kierto pienten ja keskisuurten konevalmistajien yrityksissä. Sorvaus ja jyrsintä yhdistetty käsittely on siten saanut yhä yleisempiä käyttökohteita teollisessa tuotannossa.

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Mitä ovat vaikeasti työstettävät materiaalit?

Difficult-to-machine materials are materials with poor turning and milling workability. Performance of this material is greater than or less indicators (HB> 250, σb> 1000 MPa, δ> 30%, αk> 100 MPa, K <41.8 W / mk) one or more, are all difficult to cut materials. It can also be measured by phenomena in the cutting process (cutting force, cutting heat, tool wear and tool durability, processed surface quality and chip control, etc.).

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Lääketieteellisen NiTi-muistiseoksen koneistus

Ongelmia vaikeasti työstettävien materiaalien leikkaamisessa

Cutting is roughly divided into turning, jyrsintä, and center-tooth-based cutting (end face cutting of drills and end mills, jne.). The cutting heat of these cutting processes has different effects on the cutting edge. Turning is a continuous cutting, the cutting force on the tip does not change significantly, and the cutting heat continuously acts on the cutting edge; Milling is a kind of intermittent cutting, and the milling force is intermittently acting on the tip of the blade, and vibration will occur during milling. The heat effect on the cutting edge is the heating during cutting and the cooling during non-cutting alternately, and the total amount of heat received is less than during turning.

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Mirror grinding technology of alloy parts

CNC Grinding of Precision Mirror Surface of Alloy Parts

Cemented carbide is prepared by powder metallurgy with tool steel or alloy steel as the binder phase and refractory metal carbides (mainly WC, TiC) as the hard phase. Its structure is characterized by the fine hard phase grains dispersedly distributed in the steel base. The hard phase in the alloy mainly endows the material with high hardness and high wear resistance, and the binder phase in turn endows the material with the properties of steel. Siksi, the steel-bonded cemented carbide has the comprehensive properties of steel and cemented carbide, and it has been widely used in various fields.

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