Kategoria: CNC machining of aluminum alloy heat sink
Tuotteen nimi: Aluminum alloy heat sink
Käsittelymenetelmä: aluminum alloy cnc processing
Materiaali: alumiiniseos, alumiini, kupari
Pintakäsittely: kiillotus, purseenpoisto, maalaus
Machining cycle: 3-7 seitsemän työpäivää
Testausstandardi: 3Asiakkaan toimittamat D-piirustukset
Tietojen muoto: STP/IGS/X.T/PRO
Tuotteen ominaisuudet: sileä pinta, spray paint, kiiltävä, hieno ammattitaito, clear lines
Lainvalvontatallentimen jäähdytyselementin kotelo. Tämä tekniikka on suunniteltu ja kehitetty vastaamaan lainvalvontaviranomaisten todellisiin tarpeisiin. Se on tehokas ja käytännöllinen lämmönpoistoratkaisu poliisin yksittäisille lainvalvontarekisteröijille. Se sopii poliisin mobiilipäätelaitteisiin, turvalaitteet mobiilipäätteet, valvontalaitteet mobiilipäätelaitteet, jne., laajalla käyttöalueella. Suurin osa nykyisistä poliisin lainvalvontatallentimista ei pysty ratkaisemaan lämmöntuotannon ongelmaa pitkäaikaisissa työoloissa. Lainvalvontatietojen yleisen suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi, sekä lainvalvontarekisterit todellisten tarpeiden käytön kokemuksen merkityksessä, ratkaisu nykyiseen vallitsevaan markkinoiden valvontaan liittyvään tallenninkuumeeseen, köyhät kokevat ongelman tunteen;
Further improve the performance of the whole machine, increase the service life of the law enforcement recorder, change the traditional use experience before, and improve the work efficiency of law enforcement officers in the duty.
The new technology provides a heat sink and housing for law enforcement recorders.
The utility model is realized through the following measures:
A heat sink for a law enforcement recorder, which is characterized in that it comprises: The square plate body and the heat dissipation end portion vertically arranged on one side of the square plate body, the other three sides of the square plate body are uniformly provided with a plurality of notches, and the outer surface of the heat dissipation end portion is provided with a plurality of heat dissipation protrusions. The heat dissipation protrusion has the function of increasing the contact area with the outside air and improving the heat dissipation effect.
Heidän joukossa, the heat sink is an integrally formed die casting; the material of the heat sink is aluminum-magnesium alloy.
A fixing hole is arranged on the heat sink, and the heat sink is fixed on the housing of the law enforcement recorder by screws or rivets passing through the fixing holes.
In order to better achieve the above-mentioned purpose of the invention, the present invention also provides a housing for a law enforcement recorder, which includes a frame-shaped housing, a display screen connected to the housing, and a back cover. Wherein, it also includes a heat sink arranged at the lower end of the casing;
A socket is opened on the side wall of the lower end of the housing, the square body of the heat sink is located in the housing, and the outer surface of the heat sink end is exposed to the air; Both ends of the heat dissipation end are provided with fixing holes, the lower end of the housing is provided with mounting holes, and the heat sink is fixed on the housing by screws or rivets passing through the mounting holes and the fixing holes.
Wherein, the outer surface of the side wall of the lower end of the casing is provided with a plurality of positioning protrusions. The inner surface of the heat dissipation end portion is provided with a plurality of positioning sockets that cooperate with the positioning protrusions.
The heat sink is an integrally formed die casting.