tecnología de torneado cnc

Mecanizado de piezas metálicas de medidores y válvulas de presión arterial.

Torneado CNC de piezas metálicas de válvulas de esfigmomanómetro


Torneado CNC de piezas metálicas de válvulas de esfigmomanómetro

Torneado CNC de piezas metálicas de válvulas de esfigmomanómetro

CNC turning of metal parts of blood pressure meter valve

Marca: Accesorios curativos
Estándar: Estándar Nacional
Material: Acero Sai
Tolerancia: más o menos 0,01 mm, tratamiento superficial sin rebabas
Especificaciones: Según los requisitos, Los dibujos y muestras se procesan y personalizan.
Introducción: Fábrica profesional de procesamiento de accesorios de hardware.

The utility model relates to an automatic air valve device used in a sphygmomanometer (watch). This device is an integral part of the blood pressure monitor (watch).
Actualmente, the automatic air valve device used in the sphygmomanometer (watch) on the market is generally a valve core made of elastic solid material placed in the airway of the valve body. The valve core is a secondary tower with a hollow axis and a closed top. The bottom cylindrical surface blocks the airway, and the upper cylindrical surface has an incision. It is the only way to inflate and deflate the armband of the sphygmomanometer by cutting and clamping a thin metal wire to form a gap. The process is to squeeze the sphygmomanometer balloon several times to force the gas to squeeze into the armband through the gap until the air pressure of the armband is higher than the systolic pressure of the human body, which is the inflation stage. Entonces, the gas in the armband passes through the gap again, deflates at a certain rate, and enters the stage of measuring blood pressure with Korotkoff sound.

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