tecnología de torneado cnc

Mecanizado CNC de accesorios de precisión.

Accesorio de herramientas de mecanizado CNC
Accesorio de herramientas de mecanizado CNC

Accesorio de herramientas de mecanizado CNC

La clasificación de las luminarias se puede dividir en tres tipos.: accesorios de montaje de proceso, accesorios de prueba de proyectos y accesorios de prueba de placas de circuito. Entre ellos, Las plantillas de montaje del proceso incluyen plantillas de montaje., plantillas de soldadura, plantillas de desmontaje, plantillas dispensadoras, plantillas de irradiación, plantillas de ajuste y plantillas de corte; Los dispositivos de prueba del proyecto incluyen dispositivos de prueba de vida., accesorios de prueba de embalaje, accesorios de prueba ambiental, accesorios de prueba óptica, accesorios de prueba de blindaje, dispositivos de prueba de aislamiento acústico, etc.; Los dispositivos de prueba de placas de circuito incluyen principalmente dispositivos de prueba de TIC., Accesorios funcionales FCT, Accesorios para hornos SMT, Accesorios de prueba BGA, etcétera.

The purpose of the fixture
Many fixtures are produced because of commercial needs. Because there are many types of custom fixtures, some are to increase productivity, repeat specific actions, or make work more precise. Because the design of the fixture is basically based on logic, similar fixtures may be produced separately because they are used at different times and places.
Drilling jig is a tool that can guide twist drilling equipment or other drilling devices to the exact center position of each hole by moving the mold, and can accelerate repeated positioning in the center of the hole on multiple interchangeable parts The type of fixture. The typical practice is to leave a hardened bushing in each hole of the drilling jig to prevent the twist drill from cutting the jig.

Customized processing of test fixtures

Customized processing of test fixtures

Due to the widespread use of CNC machine tools in the manufacturing industry, where the servo controller has the ability to automatically move the tool to the correct position, there are fewer drilling jigs required than before.
Fixtures for parts passing the furnace:
SMT fixture, printing, furnace” y “DIP, plug-inare used by some electronics factory customers, such as ZTE, Foxconn, Konka, etc..
Main material
The materials of the furnace fixture include synthetic stone, corrugated fiber board, bakelite, POM, aleación de aluminio, etc..
Test Fixture
Test fixtures mainly include ICT, FCT, mobile phone test stand, tablet test stand, etc..
The main purpose
Test the product function, calibration, buttons, earpiece, speaker, whether the function is normal.
Main material
The main materials of the test frame are generally divided into bakelite, acrílico, quick clamp, probe, cilindro, etc..

The fixture design is divided into two types: tooling fixture and testing fixture. The former is a tooling and fixture designed for machining, soldadura, assembly and other processes to facilitate processing and meet the needs of precision;
The latter is used for inspection, because some mechanical dimensions are not easy to measure, and because of its complex shape, we have to design a special inspection block or a inspection tool for a certain product. Por ejemplo, we have some regular inspection tools such as plug gauges and ring gauges, but some are irregular, and a special inspection tool must be designed. Some machining methods such as wire cutting, electric spark, centro de mecanizado cnc, etc.. may be used to ensure the accuracy of the inspection tool.

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