Precision CNC Swiss Machining

Precision CNC Swiss Machining Services

Several key elements of Swiss machine turning include segmented machining, workpiece characteristics, guide bush maintenance, herramientas de corte, machine size, and how to avoid burrs. Swiss-style CNC lathes have excellent machining accuracy and flexibility. In addition to providing the processing performance and control advantages of traditional CNC machine tools, Swiss-style lathes also have some of their own characteristics. The efficient application of Swiss-style lathes requires a completely different method from ordinary lathe processing.

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Large turning parts

La calidad del torneado de piezas grandes en torno horizontal.

In view of the repeated occurrence of pitch ripples in large horizontal lathes during turning. The possible reason is that the meshing gap of the transmission gear of the feed system is abnormal or damaged. The solution is very simple, just correct the gap. Sometimes, the gap between the pressure plate on the longitudinal sides of the large slide plate and the bed guide rail is too large, and the fixed-distance ripple appears repeatedly, and it is enough to adjust the gap appropriately.

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Torneado de materiales superduros

Torneado de piezas de materiales duros en China

Desafío: Cómo volver a optimizar el torneado de piezas de material duro?
Solución: Aplicación correcta de las últimas calidades y geometrías de plaquitas de torneado basadas en los datos operativos existentes.

Torneado de material duro (HPT) como proceso de mecanizado ha recorrido un largo camino desde que se promocionó ampliamente a mediados de la década de 1980. Avances en maquinaria, materiales de las piezas, procesos de enfriamiento, herramientas de corte, y las configuraciones completas de torneado de piezas duras han hecho que el torneado de piezas duras sea un proceso altamente eficiente que puede ser dominado por cualquier taller..

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Plan view of the die-cast aluminum housing cavity cover

caja de fundición compleja en mecanizado CNC UG

This article mainly through the numerical control automatic processing and simulation processing of the complicated box cover parts. The UG CAM processing module is used for automatic numerical control programming, which optimizes the processing parameters, such as processing route, tool path, and cutting mode. And through the virtual machining process simulation to check the tool overcut, the collision and interference between the tool and the workpiece.

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Seleccione el paso de diente de corte apropiado

Puntos clave de la tecnología de fresado.

El fresado tradicional se utiliza principalmente para fresar formas/características simples, como contornos y ranuras.. La fresadora CNC puede procesar formas y características de contornos complejos. El centro de mecanizado de fresado y mandrinado puede realizar fresado y mandrinado de tres ejes o de varios ejes para mecanizado., moldes, herramientas de inspección, superficies curvas complejas de paredes delgadas, palas del impulsor, etc.. Al seleccionar el contenido del fresado CNC., Las ventajas y el papel clave de la fresadora CNC deben aprovecharse al máximo..

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Processing characteristics of CNC gantry machining center

Mecanizado de piezas grandes Centro de mecanizado de pórtico CNC

Since the machining center is generally developed on the basis of a milling machine, it can be called a gantry milling machine machining center, and it is customarily referred to as a gantry machining center for short. The gantry machining center is currently one of the most widely used CNC machine tools in the world. Its main features are:

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