CNC-Bearbeitungshersteller von Hardware-Teilen

Der Hardware-Verarbeitungsprozess besteht darin, Materialien entsprechend den Produktionsanforderungen der Teile zu bestellen. Nach dem Schneiden ist das Material gut, einige Kleinteile, wie Kleinteile, kann durch Stanzen und anschließendes Gongschneiden oder CNC-Bearbeitung hergestellt werden. Das ist bei der Herstellung von Brillenzubehör und Autoteilen eine Menge. Und um einen Behälter herzustellen: nach dem Schneiden des Materials, Stanzen und Schweißen, dann schleifen und sprühen, und dann das Zubehör vor dem Versand zusammenbauen. Für kleines Hardware-Zubehör, viel Oberflächenbehandlung nach dem Polieren, Galvanisieren oder Ölspritzen sind erforderlich. Dann Schweißen oder Schrauben, Montage, Verpackung und Versand

CNC machining hardware products is to process raw materials
(Edelstahl, Kupfer, Aluminium, Eisen) into various parts using lathes,
Fräsmaschinen, Bohrmaschinen, polishing and other machinery according to
customer drawings or samples.
Such as: Schrauben, the motor shaft,
the model car parts, fishing equipment parts, aluminum speaker chamber, mobile
power shell.

Process of machining hardware products
The hardware processing process is to order materials
according to the production needs of the parts. After the cutting material is
good, einige Kleinteile, wie Kleinteile, can be produced by punching and
then gong cutting or CNC processing. This is a lot in the production of glasses
accessories and auto parts. Und um einen Behälter herzustellen: after cutting the
Material, Stanzen und Schweißen, dann schleifen und sprühen, and then assembling
the accessories before shipment. Für kleines Hardware-Zubehör, a lot of
surface treatment after polishing, Galvanisieren oder Ölspritzen sind erforderlich.
Dann Schweißen oder Schrauben, Montage, Verpackung und Versand

machining hardware products operation steps

1. Before entering the work position, all employees check whether their
clothing meets the work requirements. Slippers, high heels, and clothing that
affect safety are not allowed. Those with long hair must wear a helmet.
Maintain the correct posture during work and have sufficient energy to cope
with the work. If you find that you are unwell, you should leave the job
immediately and report to the leader. You must concentrate your thoughts during
operation and chattering is strictly prohibited. To cooperate with each other,
the operator should not operate in a state of irritability and fatigue, so as
to avoid accidents and ensure safe operation.

2. Before mechanical work, check whether the moving part is filled with
lubricating oil, then start and check whether the clutch and brake are normal,
and run the machine idling for 1-3 minutes. Operation is strictly prohibited
when the machine is malfunctioning.

3. Turn off the power first when changing the mold, and then start to install
and debug the mold after the press movement department stops running. After
installation and adjustment, move the flywheel by hand to test punch twice to
check whether the upper and lower molds are symmetrical and reasonable. Whether
the screws are firm and whether the blank holder is in a reasonable position.

4. You must wait for all other personnel to leave the machine working area and
remove the sundries on the workbench before starting the power supply to start
the machine.

5. After the machine is started, one person transports materials and operates
the machine. Others are not allowed to press the power button or step on the
foot switch board, let alone put their hands in the working area of the machine
or touch the moving parts of the machine with their hands. When the machine is
working, it is forbidden to reach into the working area of the slider, and it
is strictly forbidden to pick and place the workpiece by hand. Standard tools
must be used when picking and placing the workpiece in the die. If abnormal
sound or malfunction of the machine is found, turn off the power switch for
inspection immediately.

6. When leaving get off work, turn off the idle power and arrange the finished
products, side materials and sundries on the job to ensure a clean and safe
working environment.

Classification of Finished Hardware Products
The subdivision of hardware surface finishing can be divided into: Hardware
painting processing, Galvanisieren, surface polishing processing, Hardware
anti-corrosion processing, usw.

Surface processing of hardware parts:
1. Painting processing: When the hardware factory produces large hardware
products, spray painting is used. Avoid rusting of hardware parts by spray
painting, such as daily necessities, electrical appliances, Kunsthandwerk, usw.

2. Galvanisieren:
Electroplating is also the most common processing technology for hardware
processing. The surface of the hardware is electroplated through modern
technology to ensure that the product does not become mildew and rust under
long-term use. Common electroplating processing includes: Schrauben, stamping parts,
batteries, car parts, small accessories, usw.

3. Surface polishing of hardware parts:
Surface polishing is generally used for a long time in daily necessities.
Through the surface burr treatment of hardware products such as:
We produce a comb. The comb is a hardware made by stamping, so the corners of
the stamped comb are very sharp. We need to polish the sharp corners into a
smooth face, so that it will not cause harm to the human body during use.

Precision hardware small parts

Precision hardware small parts

CNC machining hardware cavity

CNC machining hardware cavity

Surface finishing of hardware parts

Surface finishing of hardware parts

Hardwareteile für die CNC-Bearbeitung

Hardwareteile für die CNC-Bearbeitung

Turning the external surface is the basic method of external surface processing
in hardware processing, and the equipment used is a lathe. In general machinery
factories, lathes account for about 40% der Gesamtzahl der Werkzeugmaschinen.
Turning is the main method for rough machining and semi-finishing of the outer
surface of various materials, as well as the final finishing method for various
materials that are not suitable for grinding.

When a single piece is produced in small batches, the turning of the outer
surface is generally performed on an ordinary lathe. In mass production,
multi-tool semi-automatic lathes or automatic lathes are widely used. Large
disc parts should be processed on a vertical lathe. Large long shaft parts need
to be processed on a heavy-duty horizontal lathe.
The characteristics of turning the external surface are:
1. The tool is simple, easy to manufacture, sharpen and install;
2. The cutting process is stable and the cutting force fluctuation is small,
which is conducive to the use of high cutting speeds and improved productivity;
3. The machine tool has good versatility and can process the outer circle, end
face, inner hole, thread and chamfer in one clamping. The mutual position
accuracy between the surfaces is easy to guarantee;
4. Suitable for finishing of non-ferrous metal parts.

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