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Teknisk til CNC drejebænke bearbejdningsdele
What is lathe processing?
Det er, på drejebænken, the shape and size of the blank are changed by the rotary motion of the workpiece and the linear or curved motion of the tool, and processed to meet the requirements of the drawing parts.
Kategori: CNC drejning
Tag: CNC drejning
What is lathe processing?
Det er, på drejebænken, the shape and size of the blank are changed by the rotary motion of the workpiece and the linear or curved motion of the tool, and processed to meet the requirements of the drawing parts.
Turning is a method of cutting the workpiece by using the rotation of the part relative to the tool on the lathe. The cutting function of turning is mainly provided by the workpiece rather than the tool. Turning is the most basic and common cutting method, and it occupies a very important position in production. Turning is suitable for machining revolving surfaces, and most workpieces with revolving surfaces can be processed by turning methods. Such as inner and outer cylindrical surface, inner and outer conical surface, end surface, groove, thread and rotary forming surface, etc., the tools used are mainly turning tools.
Among all kinds of metal cutting machine tools, lathes are the most widely used, accounting for about 50% af det samlede antal værktøjsmaskiner. The lathe can not only use turning tools to turn the workpiece, but also use drills, reamers, taps and knurling tools for drilling, reaming, tapping and knurling operations. According to different process characteristics, layout forms and structural characteristics, lathes can be divided into: Horizontal lathes, floor lathes, vertical lathes, turret lathes and profiling lathes, etc., most of which are horizontal lathes.
CNC lathe processing can process various types of materials. There are: 316, 304 rustfrit stål, kulstofstål, tool steel, legeret stål, legeret aluminium, magnesiumlegering, zinklegering, titanlegering, kobber, jern, plast, akryl, POM, UHWM og andre råvarer. It can process parts with complex structures.
Precautions for CNC lathe processing
Bearbejdningsteknologien i CNC drejebænk ligner den for almindelig drejebænk. Imidlertid, fordi CNC drejebænken er en engangsopspænding, kontinuerlig og automatisk behandling for at fuldføre alle drejeprocesser. Derfor, følgende aspekter bør være opmærksomme på:
1. Rimeligt valg af skæremængde:
For high-efficiency metal cutting processing, the processed material, skæreværktøj, and cutting conditions are the three major elements. These determine the processing time, tool life and processing quality. The economical and effective machining method must be the reasonable choice of cutting conditions.
Three elements of cutting conditions: Cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut directly cause tool damage. With the increase of cutting speed, the temperature of the tool tip will rise, which will cause mechanical, chemical and thermal wear. Cutting speed increased by 20%, tool life will be reduced by 1/2. The relationship between the feed condition and the wear on the back of the tool occurs in a very small range. Imidlertid, the feed rate is large, skæretemperaturen stiger, and the tool wear is large. It has less influence on the tool than cutting speed. While the impact of the cutting depth of the tool is not as cutting speed and feed large. Imidlertid, when cutting at a small depth of cut, the material being cut produces a hardened layer, which will also affect the life of the tool.
The user should choose the cutting speed to be used according to the processed material, hårdhed, cutting state, material type, feed rate, and depth of cut. The most suitable processing conditions are selected on the basis of these factors. Regular, stable wear and longevity are the ideal conditions. Imidlertid, in actual operations, the choice of tool life is related to tool wear, dimensional changes to be processed, overfladekvalitet, cutting noise, and processing heat. When determining the processing conditions, it is necessary to conduct research according to the actual situation. For difficult-to-machine materials such as stainless steel, heat-resistant alloys, titanium alloys, and magnesium alloys, coolants or turning blades with good rigidity can be used.
2. Choose a tool reasonably:
(1) When rough turning, choose a tool with high strength and good durability to meet the requirements of large turning depth and large feed when rough turning.
(2) When finishing turning, choose tools with high precision and good durability. To ensure the requirements of machining accuracy.
(3) In order to reduce the time of tool change and facilitate tool setting, machine clamp tools and machine clamp turning blades should be used as much as possible.
3. Reasonable selection of fixtures:
(1) Try to use general fixtures to clamp the workpiece and avoid using special fixtures;
(2) The positioning datums of the parts coincide to reduce positioning errors.
4. Determine the processing route: The processing route is the movement track and direction of the tool relative to the part during the processing of the index-controlled machine tool.
(1) It should be able to guarantee the processing accuracy and surface roughness requirements;
(2) The processing route should be shortened as much as possible to reduce the tool idle travel time.
5. The relationship between processing route and machining allowance:
Under the condition that the CNC lathe has not reached the popular use, the excess margin on the blank, especially the margin containing the forging and casting hard skin layer, should be arranged on the ordinary lathe for processing. If you must use a CNC lathe for processing, you need to pay attention to the flexible arrangement of the program.
6. Main points of fixture installation:
The connection between the hydraulic chuck and the hydraulic clamping cylinder is realized by a tie rod. The main points of hydraulic chuck clamping are as follows:
Først, remove the nut on the hydraulic cylinder with a moving hand, remove the pull tube, and pull it out from the back of the spindle. Then use the moving hand to remove the chuck fixing screw to remove the chuck.
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valg af værktøjer til CNC-drejning af små præcisionsdele
De almindeligt anvendte CNC-drejeværktøjer er generelt opdelt i tre kategorier: formningsværktøjer, spidse værktøjer, bueværktøjer og tre typer. Formende drejeværktøjer kaldes også prototypedrejeværktøjer. Konturformen af de forarbejdede dele er fuldstændig bestemt af formen og størrelsen af det drejende værktøjsblad. I CNC-drejebearbejdning, Almindelige formdrejeværktøjer omfatter drejeværktøjer med lille radius, ikke-rektangulære drejeværktøjer og gevindværktøjer.
Brugerdefinerede kobber præcisionsdrejedele
Vores firma er god til at dreje alle slags kobberdele, alle slags ventildele, elektriske bronzedele, messingmøtrikker, mobiltelefon antenner, udvendig rifling (lige korn / twill / netto korn) og så videre. Billedet til venstre viser en drejet kobberkerne. Anvendes i ventiler, materialet er C3604 hurtigskærende stålmessing, og kobberdrejedelene tilpasset efter kundens krav bruges som ventilstamme og ventilkerne. Anvendes i ventiler af internationalt anerkendte mærker. Automatisk drejning og formning, efter hovedfræsekanten og stangfræsekanten, vinklen er 60 grader. Slidset hoved. Den ydre diameter er 12,7 mm, og den samlede længde er 70 mm. Formedrejeværktøjet er blevet brugt mange gange i bearbejdningen af denne kobberpræcisionsdel. For at løse nøjagtigheden af R-vinklen og affasningen af den indre rille, CNC-bearbejdning blev oprindeligt vedtaget. Senere, for at spare omkostninger, der blev brugt automatisk drejebænk.
Ikke-standard OEM Små elektroniske drejedele
Vores virksomhed tilpasser alle former for præcisionsautomatiske drejebænkebehandlingsdele til forskellige industrier, især elektronikindustrien. På nuværende tidspunkt, hundredvis af produkter er udviklet for mange kendte virksomheder i verden. Har stor erfaring inden for forskning og udvikling.
Hovedmaterialer: aluminium, kobber, rustfrit stål, titanium, legering, stål, jern, kulstofstål, magnesium, plast, acrylic
In addition to automatic lathes, der er hjælpeudstyr: desktop drejebænke, boremaskiner, fræsemaskiner (rillemaskiner), tappemaskiner, rullemaskiner, etc., som kan fuldføre flere processer med automatisk drejebænkbehandling af dele.
Venstre er en typisk drejedel af en automatisk drejebænk: indlejret møtrik brugt i sprøjtestøbning
drejning af præcisionsdele af forskellige materialer
Forskellige drejematerialer (aluminiumslegering, rustfrit stål, kobber, titanlegering) har forskellige fejlkompensationsindstillinger. Moderne maskinfremstillingsteknologi udvikler sig i retning af høj effektivitet, høj kvalitet, høj præcision, høj integration og høj intelligens. Præcisions- og ultrapræcisionsbehandlingsteknologi er blevet den vigtigste komponent og udviklingsretning for moderne maskinfremstilling, og det er blevet en nøgleteknologi til at forbedre den internationale konkurrenceevne. Med den brede anvendelse af præcisionsbearbejdning, drejebearbejdningsfejl er blevet et varmt forskningsemne. Da den termiske fejl og den geometriske fejl optager langt størstedelen af de forskellige fejl i værktøjsmaskinen, reducere disse to fejl, især den termiske fejl, er blevet hovedmålet.