CNC Milling is a process where a milling tool cuts away the material in a rotary motion. It allows manufacturers to shape raw materials into specific forms, creating components with desired dimensions and geometries. Milling machines can also achieve extremely tight tolerances and high precision.

Comparison of turned and milled parts

Machining Comparison: Drejning, Fræsning, and Drilling

What is Machining? Comparison of Turning, Fræsning, and Drilling
The lathe and the milling machine are two tools used to cut and machine different types of raw material in a wide variety of sectors. Despite being very common in the industry, there are still questions about what their differences are and why they are sometimes labeled “CNC” and sometimes not. We are going to answer these questions for you!
Lathes and milling machines are both used to cut raw material, but they have very different ways of doing it. Lathes turn the material, while a milling machine uses a rotary tool for various cutting operations. To use either one, you must know the differences between the two and what each is capable of.

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Machining Non-Standard Parts

Bearbejdning Fremstilling af ikke-standarddele

Drill: The piece is fixed on the drill table, the tool, called a drill, performs the rotary cutting movement and linear advance, machining a hole or drill theoretically of the same diameter as the drill and of the desired depth.
File machine: this machine tool performs machining with a blade mounted on the ram’s tool holder, which performs a linear cutting movement, on a piece fixed to the table, which has the advance movement perpendicular to the cutting movement.

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CNC-bearbejdning af portalfræsemaskine

Hvordan fungerer CNC-fræseren?

Bearbejd aluminium, Rustfrit stål, titanium, plast og meget mere med CNC-portalfræseren. Med vores computerstyrede fræsning kan du producere præcist, præcist og pålideligt. Om til værkstedet (hobby, Modelfremstilling, maker), handlen (CNC produktion, prototype konstruktion, serieproduktion). hos os finder du de rigtige fræsedele til din applikation.

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Indstilling af CNC fræsedele

Fræseteknologi af fræsemaskine

Hvad er en fræsemaskine og dens fræseteknologiindstillinger?
Fræsning er en skærende fremstillingsproces til fremstilling af emner med en geometrisk defineret form. Som med alle bearbejdningsprocesser, materiale fjernes fra et emne i form af chips. Fræsning hører til gruppen af ​​skæring med geometrisk definerede skær, da geometrien af ​​skærekanterne på fræseværktøjerne er kendt.

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