fræseteknologi, Prototype teknologi

5G-basestationens prototype for kølepladehulrum

5G basestation køleplade hus

Projektet af aluminiumslegering køleplade prototype. Dens behandlingsmetode er CNC-behandling, og de anvendte overfladebehandlinger omfatter slibning, lasergravering og sandblæsning.

CNC-bearbejdning: cnc værktøjsapparat ovenfor, i henhold til den programmerede sti, bevægelsen i ovenstående materiale, det overskydende materiale fjernes del, hvorved prototypen af ​​prototypemodellen.

Grinding: Because the surface of the radiator prototype processed by CNC has burrs and knife marks, it needs to be smoothed with sandpaper.

5G basestation køleplade hus

5G basestation køleplade hus

Lasergravering: Use a laser marking machine to mark the surface of the prototype to remove the surface material to form a permanent mark. For general metal marking, most of them use fiber laser marking machine.

Sandblæsning: Spray a layer of particles on the prototype surface to reduce the roughness of the prototype surface of the heat sink and make the prototype surface more exquisite.

Materiale: aluminiumslegering
Dataformat: STP/IGS/X.T/PRO
Kategori: CNC machining prototype model customization
Produktintroduktion: 5G base station equipment heat sink prototype, quickly grab market share, professional prototype processing;

Prototype details of the heat sink housing

Prototype details of the heat sink housing

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