تكنولوجيا تحول باستخدام الحاسب الآلي

تصنيع صمام تنفس مقاوم للماء-M12

Waterproof breathable valve

The threaded waterproof breathable valve produced by CNC is a durable, threaded breathable valve. It is easily assembled into existing equipment and can be used in various applications such as control circuits.

Technical Parameters

Waterproof breathable valve

Waterproof breathable valve

Air permeability: 0.8l/min
Protection level: IP67- (1 meter underwater, soaked for 0.5 ساعات, impermeable)
Breathable membrane material: Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)
Breathable film characteristics: Waterproof, dustproof and oil proof
Body color: Stainless steel color
Suitable temperature: -40℃~125℃
Material of body and cap of waterproof breathable valve: الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ
Drawings of waterproof and breathable valves

Drawings of waterproof and breathable valves

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