تكنولوجيا الطحن, تكنولوجيا النموذج الأولي

نموذج أولي من الألومنيوم لوحدة AAU

Heat dissipation function of the aluminum housing of the AAU module

اسم: Aluminum CNC machining prototype of 5G AAU module
Color: لون طبيعي
المعالجة السطحية: إزالة الأزيز
Accuracy: +-0.02مم
مادة: سبائك الألومنيوم
دورة المعالجة: 3-7 working days
معيار الاختبار: 2D drawing file provided by the customer

Heat dissipation function of the aluminum housing of the AAU module

Heat dissipation function of the aluminum housing of the AAU module

Large-scale multiple input multiple output technology is one of the core technologies of 5G. Using multi-antenna space division multiplexing to double the spectrum efficiency, enhance network coverage and system capacity. Massive MIMO uses more than 100 antennas, وهو أمر أعلى من حيث الحجم من المحطات الأساسية التقليدية. لذلك, يمكن نقل المزيد من تدفقات البيانات المستقلة بين النظام والمحطة, وبالتالي تحسين كفاءة الطيف وكفاءة الطاقة بشكل كبير. تؤدي الزيادة في عدد الهوائيات بشكل مباشر إلى اختلاف طرق معالجة الإشارات, مما يسبب مشاكل وتحديات جديدة.

The Massive MIMO base station in the prior art generally adopts an all-digital architecture solution. Take 16-channel Massive MIMO base station as an example. The active antenna unit (AAU) is composed of a radio remote unit (RRU) and a passive antenna. The device architecture of the AUU supporting the antenna remote electronic adjustment function is shown in Figure 1.

فيما بينها, an antenna has a total of 12 elements in the vertical direction. ال 16 radio frequency channels are connected with the digital intermediate frequency, and the calibration network and the phase shift network are connected between the 16 radio frequency channels and the 16 wireless channels. In each radio frequency channel, a digital to analog converter (DAC) is connected to the transmitting channel. The transmitting channel is connected with a power amplifier (Power Amplifiers, السلطة الفلسطينية), and an analog-to-digital converter (Analog to Digital Converter, ADC) is connected with the receiving channel. The receiving channel is connected to a low noise amplifier (Low Noise Amplifiers, LNA), the PA and LNA are connected to the antenna multiplexing unit, and the antenna multiplexing unit is connected to the filter.

لكن, in the prior art AUU device architecture, the feeder from the power amplifier to the antenna channel is longer, the loss is greater, and the insertion loss of the phase shift network is greater.

Aluminum housing prototype of AAU module

Aluminum housing prototype of AAU module

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